MunchyMC Newsletter: Edition 72 - January 2024
Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the one and only MunchyMC newsletter. We’re already a month into 2024, meaning this is the very first one of the year! On munchy, the year is starting off pretty well, with a loaded newsletter, so let’s get into it!
- EvillRat has been promoted to Survival Moderator!
Junior Moderator
- PrisonRecruit has been promoted to Prison Junior Moderator!
- Wu_Knows has been promoted to Prison Junior Moderator!
- Moumik has been promoted to Survival Helper!
- Avilani has been promoted to Survival Helper!
- DrewskiLuv has been promoted to Survival Helper!
- QueenBee707 has been promoted to Survival Helper!
Written by DutchMTC.
Last month I asked this question:
So today I’m here to fulfill these ideas.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this @MindSongs?
Have some pretty screenshots of the current map (31/01/24) with no one in it I guess.
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Interview with a previously active member
Kit of the Month
Clip of the Month
Written by DutchMTC.
New Challenges!
This month saw the addition of new Challenges and a whole new system on how they work! Do you have any favorites so far? Do you prefer the new or the old Challenge system?
We also got a bunch of new Items, a new Legendary for all the different outsides, a bunch of new Ultras, Ultra Legendarys and 2 new Fabled Legendarys and one new Creepy Rare. This month also saw the addition of the Ultra Shard. Craft 9 Ultra Shards together to receive and Ultra crate!
As always, you can see the entire changelog by typing /cl or /changelog in game!
Written by DonutJack.
What are your favorite map 10 items?
It has now been about three months and a half since map 10 was released! The particularity about this map is that since it has a total of five outside worlds, it contains a variety of items, and much more than in any other map previously released. With that being said, I decided to ask each prison staff what their favorite items are so far, and here’s what some of them said:
“I like Dormammu’s Bag, because you can go fast with it, and you can’t lose it.”Dormammu’s Bag: Hold near dark oak leaves for some special blocks. + If you die with this - YOU DO NOT LOSE IT! + Store epics and below inside. + Hold to boost your movement.
kamiwami :
“Groot.” (Groot leaves? Groot Twig? Groot Branches? Groot Bark? Groot Trunk? Groot Root? Who knows.)Groot Leaves: Consume to gain more from your harvest.
Groot Twig: Consume for more wood for a bit.
Groot Branches: Shift in the forest and hold high fortune to melt leaves for more.
Groot Bark: Heal when you need it most. + Chance to reflect damage! + Sell your wood for more.
Groot Trunk: Shift (or randomly as you get hit) to repel players. + Deal 2x knockback.
Groot Root: Change spruce logs, oak logs, and dark oak leaves.
DonutJack :
“So Snow White Ribbon because obviously more drugs :3. And Superman Cape because i can fly around :3.”Snow White Ribbon: Get more from farming and a chance for an abundant harvest!
Superman Cape: Fly while worn.
jessixac :
“Probably Peach Dress because I mainly farm spice. Probably Howler as well. I hate bears. And Olafs.”Peach Dress: Slow falling 1, gain speed 15 for 1s while shifting. + Hold shift to break bamboo and gain extra from it in your farm.
Howler: Consume to stay safe from mobs for a while.
“I would probaly go with Elsa Scepter since you can just run around and loot a lot of chests with holding down your mouse and flying past them. Even better is the autoloot ability; you just fly at Mach 2.04 and loot it all!”Elsa Scepter: “Frost” players. + Your snowballs loot chests! + Right click to begin a looting ability. + Instant kill most mobs.
“Right now I absolutely love Gollum’s Leg even though I’m not a PvPer at all. I also really like Peach Dress because I mainly farm spice, but my answer might change since I don’t have many ultras and haven’t found any legendaries yet.”
Gollum’s Leg: Hit mobs or players for big knockback! Has a cooldown to hit again.
Peach Dress: Slow falling 1, gain speed 15 for 1s while shifting. + Hold shift to break bamboo and gain extra from it in your farm.
“I love custom items like for example Walter White Glasses and Rudolph nose. My favorite “custom item” is Leaf’s Shark Jaw. Looks amazing, great abilities. My second favorite is Kraken’s Tentacle. It’s just fun to make the tropical fishies “less alive”. Honorable mention for another item is Gift Wrap.”
Walter White Glasses: Right click this on amethyst so you can afford American Healthcare.
Rudolph Nose: Shift outside to refill some chests and get some enchants.
Leaf’s Shark Jaw: Consume golden apples and jungle apples in the mine for explosions, applying the fortune of the pickaxe to the left. + Better Odds outside when it is raining.
Kraken’s Tentacle: Find fish that give drops.
Gift Wrap: Use your wrapping paper to craft Presents by right clicking this item in your inventory. + Shift-left and Shift-right to craft wrapping paper with semi’s and epics.
“Being honest, I strongly prefer Luga’s Net, mainly because it makes fishing a lot easier, especially during Stormy Nights.”Luga’s Net: More during Stormy Night. + Sneak in the water for some rewards.
“Leaf’s Shark Jaw because I found my first leggy while wearing it so it boosted my odds.”Leaf’s Shark Jaw: Consume golden apples and jungle apples in the mine for explosions, applying the fortune of the pickaxe to the left. + Better Odds outside when it is raining.
“Bit of a tough question since there are items like Dormammu’s Bag or Aquaman’s Trident which are just fun, then others like Magneto Magnet or Snow White Ribbon that’re insanely useful. I’m really not sure but if I had to pick 1, then probably Deadpool Pickaxe just because the ability in my opinion is really cool and it’s an item I actually found (previous map but still it gets a special place in my heart).”Dormammu’s Bag: Hold near dark oak leaves for some special blocks. + If you die with this - YOU DO NOT LOSE IT! + Store epics and below inside. + Hold to boost your movement.
Aquaman’s Trident: Keep on you in the rain to zoom through the air.
Magneto Magnet: Right click to sell stuff for more. + Keep in hotbar for resource magnet, hold for EVERYTHING magnet.
Snow White Ribbon: Get more from farming and a chance for an abundant harvest!
Deadpool Pickaxe: Mine in a 3x1 and gain fortune as you mine. + Respawn the blocks you mine with the next tier.
“Leaf’s Shark Jaw.Nice design and pretty useful mining ability.”
Leaf’s Shark Jaw: Consume golden apples and jungle apples in the mine for explosions, applying the fortune of the pickaxe to the left. + Better Odds outside when it is raining.
All item descriptions are from item hints you can get in-game from /thrift!
Thank you @latl, @bhi, @enviosy and @Golden541 for helping me find some of the item hints above!
Written by NaoIsHere.
Hello survival!!! A lot has happened this month I think, let’s get into it
I. Winter Crate
This month winter crates released, giving us many new gadgets, pets, custom enchants and more! Make sure you guys thank @Fumaz, @skepiwi and @danior for all the hard work they’ve put into this! If you guys are interested in what’s new in this crate make sure you check out my crate guide here!
II. Elements Mapart Competition
Banner by Mysan
This month we have our first Mapart Competition of the year, hosted by your favourite @LunaInSpace. The judges for this competition will be @skepiwi, @Mysaan, and ME! Luna will also be judging! Closing on the 20th of February, so make sure to get your submissions in!
1st Place
15 Keys (of your choice)
Exclusive Coloured Glow Effect (of your choice)
2nd Place
10 Keys (of your choice)
Exclusive Coloured Glow Effect (of your choice)
3rd Place
8 Keys (of your choice)
Exclusive Coloured Glow Effect (of your choice)
Keys will be split equally between all team members.
Members of the 3 winning teams will all be given a glow effect of choice.
III. New Staff!
This month we have got multiple new staff members on survival! Make sure you guys congratulate @DrewskiLuv, @QueenBee707, @Avilani and @Moumik! And I guess we should also mention @skepiwi getting trial moderator at the end of December. I’m sure these guys will be wonderful baby staff, make sure you guys treat them well. I heard QueenBee can be pretty scary though.
Lets also mention @DutchMTC’s wonderful banner. It is adorable.
IV. Mysan Interview
This month I interviewed our very own Mysan! Mysan knew about this interview and I did not ask these questions secretly.
Q1. Favourite condiment?
A1. Ketchup, reminds me of the blood of my enemies
Q2. If you were an octopus what would be your favourite color?
A2. Purple, because the sea is blue. Thought about it for awhile and to me that makes perfect sense.
Q3. Are your organs present?
A3. I don’t know
Q4. Am I going to sleep?
A4. I believe so… you should be… i dont see you though… miyaki, liambgames, nom… where the REDACTED are you though? actually
Q5. How are you?
A5. I’m doing good, I am kind of running out of money though
V. Kiss Cams?
This month I have MULTIPLE kiss cams. You guys will enjoy this.
To start off I have @McDonalds kissing someone we do not know. I do not know who this is. I have no clue. If anyone knows please do NOT tell us. We do not need to know.
Here we have @Neonmuffin and @Viviannn having a wonderful kiss in the mall, perhaps @oChocolate in the background feeling left out. Poor him.
We have @Viviannn again. This time kissing @kr1tzie infront of @Mcghosty1300. It seems Vivian has a thing with kissing people AND kissing in front of other people?
Written by EvillRat.
VI. The Map Art Part!
Hello there! Welcome back to the best section of the newsletter, thanks to the survival map art competition going on there’s many wonderful maps to share.
If any credit is wrong please let me know so that I can correct it and as always, make sure to send me a message if you make any map art in February that I can include in the next newsletter. With that said, let’s see the maps!
Click here!
Made by MindSongs
Made by SUPER_duck11 and Microwavefan
Made by AtypicalMist and VampireCutie
Made by VampireCutie
All of these are available in Shop 22
Made by QueenBee707
Available at Shop 30
Made by Cinderace and QueenBee707
Available at Shop 30
Made by RobinMerryPoppin
Available in Shop 26
Mady by Brockq
Available in Shop 69
Made by Rinian
Available in Shop 10
Made by StarlightVic
Available in Shop 25
Community Art Highlights! 
Hello there. I am SurvivalMod, let me show you this months art!
Click Here!
Hi. See you next month :)
But of course, that is not all, something else quite artistic happened on the server this month. So let me show you the chaos that a man called Drewskiluv revived.
The month's masterpiece
We have Drewskiluv as @DrewskiLuv
We have @Mysaan as SurvivalMod
We have WoolwarsMod as WoolwarsMod
We have @Moumik as HelperOfSurvival
We have @danior as SurvivalSMOD
And last but not least we have NaoIsHere as @NaoIsHere, what an imposter smh.
Hope you all enjoyed this as much as we all did. The confusion is all worth it!
Written by Mysaan.
Thank you all for reading this