MunchyMC Newsletter - November 2023


MunchyMC Newsletter: Edition 70 - November 2023

Greetings everyone, and welcome to the 70th edition of the newsletter! :slight_smile: A lot of fascinating stuff happened during the last month, but, most importantly, did you know Sandwich Day took place on the third of November? :sandwich: You most certainly didn’t, but let’s get back to this month’s newsletter anyway!

Staff Team


Senior Moderator

iNateCo - iNateCo has been promoted to KitPvP & WoolWars Senior Moderator!


TheFireGamer210 - TheFireGamer210 has been promoted to Prison Helper!

Forum Moderator

TheFireGamer210 - TheFireGamer210 has been promoted to Forum Moderator!

Newsletter Team

NaoIsHere - NaoIsHere has joined the Newsletter Team!
ZeePog - ZeePog has joined the Newsletter Team!
EvillRat - EvillRat has joined the Newsletter Team!

Build Team

PrimeDaysAhead - PrimeDaysAhead has joined the Build Team!
Ay1i - Ay1i has joined the Build Team!

Written by DutchMTC.



:tada: Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales :tada:
For a limited time, you may benefit from a 20% discount on certain items from the MunchyMC Shop :eyes:. Be quick, because those price reductions won’t last!

:newspaper: New Newsletter Team Editors :newspaper:
This month, three additions were made to the Newsletter Team! Please welcome @ZeePog, @EvilRat and @NaoIsHere the new Wool Wars, Survival and global lead writers!
Psst, there is now a Newsletter Team roaster that can be found here!

:forum_staff: New Forums Moderator :forum_staff:
In addition, please give a warm welcome to @TheFireGamer210 who has not only been promoted to Prison Recruit, but also joined the Forums Moderation Team!

Builders Interview

PrimeDaysAhead VisageRender-ay1i

PrimeDaysAhead, also known as @PrimeDaysAhead, joined in 2020, and was recently added to the Build Team. Not only does he make amazingly well-detailed builds, but he’s also clearly dedicated and passionate about what he does!

Ay1i, otherwise known as @cougar_m also recently rejoined the Build Team, which makes him the newest builder! His name might sound familiar since she actually used to be part of the Build Team, back in 2019. He’s also clearly extremely talented and skillful, and has already made some incredible builds.

Click here for the interview!

How did you discover MunchyMC and what made you join?
P: I discovered MunchyMC through Skeppy’s YouTube channel, and I originally joined purely out of curiosity, without any real knowledge of what to expect.

A: I’ll be completely honest, I don’t remember. It was around 4 years ago, but either from a friend or YouTube.

How did you chose your IGN?
P: That name is derived from a philosophy of self-improvement: working hard to be the best I can possibly be, yet there is always going to be more room to improve.

A: Honestly, nothing particular. I made the name when i was 10-12 and back then I had a fascination with cougars (the animal) and obviously still think they are cool.

What are your specialities when it comes to building?
P: My specialities are shaping, spacing, texturing and terraforming. I try to envision what a build could be like before I start placing blocks, and I have no problem starting over in the middle of building if it does not fit what I had originally envisioned.

A: Mainly structures and detailing, but I dabble with organics and terrain as well.

What do you like the most about building?
P: Building for a reason. Don’t get me wrong, I love to create all sorts of things in single-player worlds, but there is something more special about contributing your efforts toward a common good: a thriving community.

A: Just the creativity and freedom, and being able to just relax, zone out and build something spectacular.

What’s the first build you remember making?
P: The first build I remember making was the Seattle Space Needle a little over 4 years ago, specifically around August 2019.

A: First thing, if I recall correctly, was just a simple house in a snowy forest,. Unfortunately it was many years ago so I don’t have a picture. :/

What’s your favorite build amongst the ones you’ve made so far?
P: My favorite build is my most recent, which is a medial-themed sumo map. It was actually what I submitted for my build trial.

A: Probably the big city in my portfolio, not because of the looks of it, but because, even if in my eyes, it doesn’t look particularly good, it was my first ever mega project: building a city 6k by 6k blocks, which I nearly finished before the server I used to build on got shut down. I got the world, but lost interest in it afterwards. image

What are some advices you’d like to give to someone who’s interested in building?
P: Builder’s block is a very real thing that everyone struggles with. Always try to build in moderation and always try to keep your mind engaged when creating something. I often find myself flying around my build for hours at a time, not really doing anything, so that is something I can definitely work on. Everyone has their own path, but don’t ever become complacent with your progress.

A: Just keep practicing. It’s the only way to improve, but don’t be afraid to ask for advice.

Written by NaoIsHere.


New Crates! :fire:
November saw the addition of Creepy Crates, which you can also find in Gifts if you’re lucky!

Prestige Mines and Farms :pick: :farmer:
New prestige areas have also been added! To access the first mine, type /warp p1mine.

Changes! :gear:

  1. Apart from the normal things like buffs and nerfs, we can now see if we’re talking in /gang chat on the scoreboard.

  2. The command /fish rewards has also been added! Not only does it let you see which fish rewards you can get, but it also lets you select which rewards you want to receive.

As mentioned, there are a bunch of item adjustments too!

Venom Goo, Joker Shoes, Krakens Tentacle, Hagrids Magic Beans, Hagrid Battleaxe, Space Sword, Ice King Legs, Doc Octopus Pick, Dumbledore Pick, Time Pick, Shrek Pick, Darth Vader Pick, Jokers Switchblade, Eson’s Pick, Dobby Feet, Jabba the Hutt’s Tentacle, Mummy Eyes, Mummy Bandages, Peach Heart, Peach Feet, Ego Pickaxe, WOOD PRICES :axe: and MYTHICAL LOOTING ODDS :eyes:.

Plankton’s Chum Bucket, Ego’s Reach, Mummy Bones and Aspirant’s Enchantment Dust drops. :sparkler:

To read the changelog in game, type /cl or /changelog. There you can see a full list of the changes!

Written by DonutJack and NaoIsHere.

Hello there survival… it is your new survival writer here evillrat. you are stuck with me for the foreseeable future so get used to it. but we should probably get into what happened on survival in november!!!

(If you have any ideas in the future for this section please dm me on discord @ evillrat)

I. Fall Crates!

Thank you for taking a picture with me guys.

Early this month we got the Fall Crates! These crates brought us many new gadgets, particles and pets, and we even got more custom enchants! We are very lucky this month guys. You can find out all about the new gadgets in my VERY OWN crate guide here!

Make sure you thank @cheater @Awperr @skepiwi and @danior for all their hard work!

Please Answer This Question!

In your opinion, what makes a gadget strong and also what makes a gadget fair? Please answer this. I am not sure what will happen if you don’t.

And finally, here’s a poll.

Favourite Fall Crates Gadget? Pick up to 3!
  • image Fall Armour Set (Witch)
  • ge4gher5h Witch’s Candle
  • ge4gher5h Infinite Bonemeal
  • image Guillotine
  • image Shape-Shifter’s Glass
  • ge4gher5h Lava Trident
  • ge4gher5h Villager Zombiefier
  • ge4gher5h Copper Oxidizer
  • ge4gher5h Quarry Drill
0 voters

II. The Long Awaited Interview…



This month I interviewed everyone’s favourite survival main, McDonalds. I hope you guys enjoy these questions because I have not fully recovered from this experience yet, and I believe he demoted me from JMod.

The Questions Part

Q1. Whats been your favourite survival season?
A. Winter.

Q2. If you were a pizza topping, which one would you want to be?
A. Uhhh… Mushroom cus then no one would touch me.

Q3. Favourite memory on survival?
A. Uhhh… divorcing you… probably.

Q4. Favourite section on the newsletter?
A. WoolWars but only when I used to make it.

Q5. What’s your favourite type of weather?
A. Pompeii weather on august 24, 79 AD.

Q6. Why? (Unrelated to Q5)
A. Why?

Q7. Thoughts on EvillRat?
A. Worst helper.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this interview. If you actually managed to get down here, please let me know for future newsletters. And also tell Mysan I say hi.

Written by EvillRat.

III. The Map Art Part

Wouldn’t be a new and improved Survival section if we didn’t bring back The Map Art Hall of Fame Now it’s called The Map Art Part though cause me and EvillRat are hilarious! Since we’re newly readding this I unfortunatly don’t have any Map Art to show you, but if you make any Map Art during December make sure to message me on discord (Mysaan) with an image to get included in the next newsletter! You can thank @LunaInSpace for getting this back btw.

Written by Mysaan.

And thats all we have time for this month. Well not really but I don’t have anything else to say, Goodbye!!!

Written by EvillRat.

Community Art Highlights! :paintbrush:

Well hello there artists and others.Welcome back to the Community Art Highlights, as always the art has been wonderful in the creations channel so let’s get right to it.

November 2023 Art Gallery

Click Here!













Illustration of a panda?

Written by Mysaan.

And that is all for this month!


newsletter :muscle:


WE EATING GOOD :pray: :pray: :pray:

(includes swearing)



Hi Donald


Hi Stella


can I have the sandwich


no its mine :fire:


How about mine? I had to spend a whole 30 seconds finding that picture :fire:


no :33


Why did we have this


go back to liking women idiot


Happy Birthday @Sript


how did my dumb art got on the art gallery lol


why wouldnt we?


Yooooo that’s crazyyy


Good thing he’s not a helper anymore.



Ay @TheFireGamer210 nice promotion I’ll be sure to stir up trouble to keep you in business and good newsletter writing nao

A gadget should give a player a new way to play the game while not making it easier when you obtain such gadget and giving a drawback to it.

Examples of this are unlocking a new ability in a game such as double jump, while it is an advantage and can be strong because you get more air time and movement, you could balance this with weakness such as hitting them out of the air as it may take more time for them to fall. (this isn’t a Minecraft example more a general)

Also since ig wina didn’t post this to the munchy discord shoutout for this epic woolwars poopers logo also containing me, brooke, and herself

Also nice drawing super duck


This is the goofiest newsletter in munchymc history aside from maybe the cattech ones…

this means this is the best newsletter in munchymc history aside from maybe the cattech ones


Can’t wait to see those maparts next newsletter!!!


glad peach feet got buffed now that we arent hte only ones that have it and most of us quit
we only said it was useless since the 2nd day of the map