WHATTTTTTTTTTSSSSS GOOD YALL! We are back for the sixth munchymc player hunger games! Please note all the people selected were from a previous voting poll or reserved their place ahead of time and if you were on the voting poll and weren’t selected it is because I used a wheel and it selected 20 people (I owed 2 people spots in + fruity boy and me are always coming back). Now if you wish to be in the next hunger games then please vote on this poll below!
- I volunteer!
- Just seeing results
I Literally no people used the link so I’m just gonna do images from now on! I hope yall don’t mind but it’s easier for me and you all too :)
I started this at 11:30 pm and it’s now 3 pm from so many annoying mishaps a lot of time on this so I’d appreciate a couple of likes and comments ;). Without further ado, please enjoy this simulation of the munchy hunger games!
with that concludes our sixth annual hunger games! See you all in December for the next player hungry games and see you all soon for upcoming forum games in December! I don’t have much planned for November, maybe I’ll do an extra post but I’m working on a lot of posts for December so there most likely won’t be any posts besides the nostalgia November polls of the month! No release date but expect during the middle of the month or early 20’s <3