Ninja Strength 3 attack needs to go

If you didn’t know already, ninja kit has the ability to deliver a strength 3 attack with a sharpness 3 diamond sword while invisible. That’s broken, just like titan…

If you are using any leather kit, the attack has a chance to do up to 7.5 hearts because leather armor damage is rng based. If you are using kits like archer, vacuum or elementalist, you also can be easily 2 shot.

I mean come on. I know the devs added this feature to make it a sneak attack kind of thing, but strength 3, really? Strength 1 would suffice. At least lower it to strength 2!?


No, it was actually my idea, I called the topic a buff despite lowering the armor by a whole resistance 1 step, which the developers thought was a bit too much, so they added a leather helmet and boots.
But I guess the backlash about balancing out the damage to defense ratio got its former defense back and kept the higher sneak attack damage resulting in a kit that can one-shot fish.

The quote for Ninja “high risk, high reward” was true before the buff.
Then it changed to “higher risk, high reward” and after this change it became “high risk, higher reward”.


The whole point of the ninja kit is having very limited armour, but that armour can be somewhat replaced with your speed. The ninja kit needs a lot of practice and strategy to be used, specifically weaving. You would lose a fight if you were just normally non-weave fighting someone. Iron armour outnumbers an attack damage 10 sword.
Appreciate the feedback though!


Iron armor isn’t rng based. On a full leather kit, such as snail, you have a chance to be 2 shot. I had this happen to me today in spider kit. The first attack did 7.5 then the last one finished me off. All of which happened in less than half a second. Something like this has no place in kitpvp, just like Titan and abomination blindness.

As for you @KittenKatja



Keyword, ADDED :poop:.

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Ninja kit is already horrible it doesn’t need to be nerfed anymore imo


But before the buff, half the server was using it.
With the buff, fewer people were using it, because the risk they claimed gives a high reward was higher.
Now they are even stronger, while Archer kit has not even a chance of survival anymore.

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Even if it’s bad, it still has a broken ability.

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I love u po

anyways :crab: survival gang :crab:

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