Channel link:
My Current Follower Count:
Unfortunately, lower than the requirement, but I grow and gain multiple followers every stream. so I hope that gets taken into consideration.
Average Number of Viewers During My Streams:
Current number for July:
- 7.1
This last month of July I have not streamed as much due to being busy in my personal life
Average counts from the previous 2 months that Twitch has listed:
End of May - June: 9.4
End of April - May: 9.3
My activity on Twitch is going to grow as the rest of July ends
How long I have been streaming on Munchy and other servers:
I Started streaming around just over two months now and started my first on MunchyMC Kitpvp.
Throughout the time I have been streaming, 70% of the streams have been on Munchy, 10% on other servers, and 20% have been on different games entirely. (the %'s are just an estimate)
Servers I Have Streamed On:
Once on Minemen
Once on Hypixel
Why would I like to join the Media Team?
Media is something I have wanted to work towards when I first started streaming. It is a rank that allows players to realize I am someone who either streams, or records videos for and about MunchyMC, and is a good way to get my name out there even more than it is now.
Many people already know that I stream but having the rank would allow me to grow a bigger MunchyMC based community.
Media+. I have a very long way to go before I meet the requirements for Media+ on the event server, but it is a BIG goal of mine while being a MunchyMC community member. I assume having the original Media rank is something that needs to happen before Media+ so of course I would go for Media first
What makes me a good candidate for the team?
I feel I would be a great addition to the Media team. One thing I have been living by on Munchy, is to show love! I bring that attitude to my streams and like to not only show love but to bring positivity to my streams and to MunchyMC! As a kit main, I am fully aware of the toxicity and like to combat it with kindness. both on and off stream.
Another reason is because I love to help out other small streamers (both bigger and smaller than me) by becoming friends and giving them advice about the server. Sometimes I even join in on their streams in VC or in their chat and support them as they stream. I love to help others grow, and with the Media rank, I’m not only representing myself, but representing MunchyMC!
While I definitely want to be known as a variety streamer, playing more games than just Minecraft, I still want the main game I play to be Minecraft. Whenever I play Minecraft on stream, it’s ALWAYS MunchyMC. Even when the main focus is to play something else on Minecraft, I always either end or start on Munchy.
I always have a bot saying what server I am playing in my chat, and always have “MunchyMC” in the title of my streams whenever I stream Munchy. With this, one way I feel I can benefit the server directly, is by bringing new players to the server, even if it’s only a few people at a time. Not just by advertising it in Twitch chat through bots, or putting it in my title, but I always invite my viewers to play, and/or tell them I am playing on “”.
I have grown very fast in a small amount of time before I took a break from streaming, gaining Twitch Affiliate in only just a few streams! Something everyone was so surprised by when I told them. MunchyMC and its community is actually the reason for this too! I have been supported by soooo many people from Munchy, and most if not all still watch my streams now! I am always still growing very fast every stream, and feel this could yet be another reason I am a good candidate for Media.
And finally, I am planning on creating YouTube videos very soon. I have been saying this for about a month, but I am! A lot will end up being on MunchyMC as well. For example, I plan to upload edited versions of VODS, of me playing in BadBoyHalo’s events, or smaller videos of me playing on KitPvP/Woolwars as well. (smaller of course meaning like 10-15+ minutes long).
Light Blue Oracol? Light Blue Oracol?