But no matter the ability, teleport can still take more than 3 hearts of fall damage on a missed pearl, and since the server is in 1.8, the pearl won’t get a trajectory manipulation downwards so it can’t hit the ground faster than the player can fall, it needs to hit the wall to MLG Block instead.
Vanish/Pufferfish/Teleporter: I simply forgot to open Woolwars Kits first and this is not bound to playing the game.
Of any popular enough game, there exists online documentation for all the numbers and other information. Only Munchy Prison seems to be an exception to this.
Sounds like Teleporter is bugged in that way, why didn’t you mention that Teleporter’s timer already starts before the game even started?
Tinker: Anything can also lag people out, lots of falling_block or armor_stands are as bad as firework rocket spam.