Prison map 11

when is next prison map?


Map 10R will technically be the next one I guess? So that will be soon.



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like july 4? It would be great if it was then

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It’ll be later than that cause they have to lock leaderboards so they need some time in advance for that and they usually give a bit of time before they end the map just for people to be able to enjoy it a bit longer, they usually boost odds a bit at end map for funsies and stuff. If it’s the same case as map 9 (which I doubt will happen) there might be a gap between map 10 and 10r. There’s just a lot of factors into it but I believe it’ll be out sometimes in August just based off of all of the above. It could still start in very late July but not as early as the 4th or anywhere around that time.


wait does 10r stand for map10 reset? so everything is the exact same, but everybody’s stuff just resets and we start from zero again?


10r is what you said map 10 refresh when everyone starts from scratch again.


Yes 10r is map 10 reset but it won’t be the EXACT same, there’ll be a few changes. An example is you won’t be able to get leggie crates from pshop anymore, that’s just one I remember but there’ll be many more changes, as well as supposedly a new outside word.


are you kidding me? that was legit my whole strat. I would get to prestige, buy a leggie, sell the leggie and ultras and stuff, prestige again and again, keep cycling all the leggies, and do it again until I couldnt anymore,


duglife822 moment

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:sob: tbh that’s what I did map 9 when I first started but yea RIP leggies from pshop… I do believe you still get that one prestige leggie from where you claim crates though


I didn’t even know that wtf thats kinda dumb tho

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That’s legit only cause the market is inflated asf rn and top bal is 3T

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The one from ranking up to FREE (every time you rank up to FREE) you will still get, yes


I’m pretty sure they’re locking leaderboards REALLY soon because they just got posted this newsletter (I appear!! xD) Nao told me the next leaderboard post will be next month (July newsletter) so from that I’m 99% sure that 10R is appearing like early/mid august

Also there’s this from another post so the announcements should be soon if it really is in august I’m pretty sure (and I hope I am LOL) based on what Red said on this quote, or atleast sneak peeks

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I wanna see how that goes, sounds interesting for the map reset but not for a permanent change

Another change which probably will be permanent is Red removing the trap chests from PShop and making it free because new players he was trying to teach how to loot kept dying to strays or rats xD

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Hi redvelvetcake

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hi drex0r
and eat and become obese


alright, so is there any way for this to not happen? please? how else are we gonna find leggies? looting and fishing and crafting??? there aren’t as many players as there used to be as u know, so how would we get them?

Plz bro I actually had the infinite money glitch doing it. Don’t remove it

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its legit only an ‘infinite’ money making method + it was broken since a few people bug abused for ranks bought leggie crates and then got their rank removed.

Literally like nearly anything else in the game? buying them, finding them, lmao?

yea cause this map is at the end, new people join when it resets