Prison Rules
Prison Rules
Scamming in-game is almost always allowed except under the following circumstances:
IRL Scams: Any scam involving anything that isn’t server related, such as through the MunchyMC buycraft IS NOT ALLOWED under any circumstances and may result in a permanent in-game and buycraft ban. All scams must be done with in-game items ONLY.
Glitches: Faking a game-breaking glitch (such as a dupe glitch) to a player, or particularly to a staff member, may result in a permanent ban. This will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
IRL Deals
ALL IRL deals are to be done through the MunchyMC Store. You may NOT make or solicit in any form, deals for out-of-game items or currency UNLESS it is done through the MunchyMC Store, or one or both parties may be temp-banned or banned. You may ONLY MAKE IMMEDIATE DEALS, meaning deals that involve an immediate transaction, no borrowing etc. To ensure there is no risk of an IRL scam, inform a staff member of an IRL deal before going through with it so we can be informed of the terms of the agreement in order to best protect both parties.
Hacks or cheats are not allowed and will result in a BAN. Other things that may give you an unfair advantage, such as having a bunch of alternate accounts online to accumulate crates, will also result in a punishment. This includes modifications such as minimap, waypoints, health indicators, etc. Some modifications like toggle sprint and optifine are allowed. For more in-depth on this ask a staff member or use this forum post:
Chat Offenses
Prison is more relaxed than other servers on MunchyMC relatively, but there are still a number of chat violations. Threatening DDoS, doxxing, derogatory insults (slurs), or harm to another player will result in a mute which may be permanent depending on the severity of the message(s). Repeated toxicity or severe toxicity may result in a mute. Advertisement of other servers will likely result in a permanent mute. Other chat offenses include repeated harassment, non-stop argument that is filling up the chat for an extended period of time, harmful threats, spamming, etc.
Bug/Glitch Abuse
If you discover or are informed of a bug/glitch, tell a staff member immediately (you may even be rewarded with special donor crates). Withholding glitch information from a staff member when asked may result in a ban. Abusing a glitch may result in a temporary or permanent ban, or you may be blacklisted depending on the severity of the offense. All glitches MUST be reported to a staff member when they are found; spreading or keeping silent about a glitch may result in severe punishment.
Blacklisted Players
Certain players have committed severe offenses that warrant a complete blacklist of them from the server such as doxxing, duping, repeated severe bannable offenses on multiple accounts after a main account is banned, etc. These players are not allowed on the server in any capacity, and helping them or communicating with them may result in severe punishment, such as a permanent ban. Even having knowledge that a blacklisted player is on the server without reporting them to a staff member may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
Punishments are up to staff discretion, and SMods or Admins may make decisions to mute or ban players for reasons that are unique enough to not be on this list. Certain network-wide rules not listed in here also apply.