So i was in purgatory with alot of stuff and uh i suddenly got a message in chat saying you have angered the villegers and I just got insta 1 shot by an iron golem (I had full hp i think and armor) i suggest to nerf this a little like give iron golem weakness affect or smth.
I honestly don’t think that they would change how trolls work as, technically, cheating isn’t disallowed so you could easily bypass those trolls perhaps ?
I don’t know about that troll thingy but as long as we can’t spam it every single time then it should be fine! Perhaps having a longer cool-down could solve things.
Some people still don’t cheat or don’t wana risk using a hacked client.
Also like i said It can 1 shot you so cooldown doesn’t matter in this ;-; also i was like idk 6k blocks away from spawn with armor and i just got 1 shot by that thing and its just really unfair lol so i think the demmage should be nerfed.
I feel like they made the trolls very overpowered on purpose, due to them allowing hacks on the server. The trolling system as of now doesn’t feel completed tho, so who knows maybe they’ll make some changes to this ‘acknowledged’ gamemode.
Uhmmmm ok c: