I’ve been considering making this post for a while but here I am doing it now. If anyone has any ideas of negative actions towards themselves or others, self harm, or suicide. PLEASE PLEASE consider your actions again and how they’ll impact everyone in your life and community. This is a serious serious issue and if anyone has any concerns or wish to talk please feel free to DM me at Daddy Chaddy#1165 or make an anonymous call/text to 1-800-273-8255. To close it off I can do my best to help talk to anyone in need because I myself went through rough times during my teens until as of recently(20 almost 21 now). I thought going through my issues alone was the best for me but I was wrong and my life collapsed under me and I lost many of those close to me and almost myself. Please do not be scared or embarrassed to reach out. Tons of people and players love you, please never forget that.
I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate this post and the fact that you are there to help people that need help. I personally wen’t trough something like this for about a month a few years ago because of some stupid decisions I made. I probably wasn’t suicidal and it probably just where my hormones acting up but still it wasn’t the best of times. Its good to see that you are willing to help.
Good post Bug.
Same here, if you need a friend to talk to I’m always up for listening, either through discord (IntrepidBookworm#0204) or forum dms. I know that none of us can promise to fix anything, but when I was in some dark places just being able to talk to someone helped so, so much. xx
I have Thought of Suicide Myself and i passed through it bc of you guys if you were not here to help me i would be still in this suicidal fase and i just think i was stupid back then So thanks all of you for making my life better
Ps : plz dont bring it up to me in game i dont feel like talking to anyone bout it and i kinda want to be just a jokester soooooo yeah and dont act diffrent around me pls im still the same person i alwais was
I think we have all had a dark time in our lives and I think video games and my online friends and even randoms helped me get through it so feel free to chat if needed.
My dms are open on discord Jajaja#2607 (Everything discussed is completely private)