Should Media be a Global Rank

  • Yes
  • No, you should have to make content for every gamemode you have the rank on

0 voters

I believe there already is a distinction between media and media+. I’d say make media+ global and media gamemode specific, but I wouldn’t mind if it stays the way it is now


If this then yes I agree but normal media rank I don’t think it should be a global rank and media+ should be global also I’m pretty sure you get media on each server


I don’t have strong opinions either way on this, and completely understand both sides of the argument.
I personally do not mind it though, as I think a player seeing media members they don’t recognise might encourage them to check out their channel, and to try new gamemodes.

I don’t see any harm in media being a global rank, but it would also make sense for it to only apply to specific gamemodes.