Map name - Silent Castle
Max players - 24
Waiting spawn location - It is marked in game by an orange carpet at (X:1186, Y:67, Z:2411) I used red carpets elsewhere in the build.
Game spawns locations - They are marked by light blue carpets in game. I used blue carpets elsewhere in the build also.
CenterX - Center X: 1186
CenterZ - Center Z: 2411
LowestY - Lowest Y: 67
HeightLimit - Players’ heads are able to reach Y:127. The entire map extends approximately 15-20 blocks above that.
Parkour materials- diamond_block, ladder (It is the diamond blocks going around the small castle)
Link to the map:
Edit 2: I realized that I attached the file incorrectly before. I also made a subtle change to the “carpet” around the castle. Previously, under 12 spawn points was spruce wood; I changed this and attached the file correctly. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
A side view of the map to capture some other unmentioned details.
A front view of the map (taken from the top of the big window in the first picture).
A view of the lower part of the map.
A view outside the windows.
I hope everyone enjoys it. I spent a long time working on it. Thanks to all who give constructive criticism and take the time to see this.
Edit: I removed the end portal frames for the pictures.