Everyone thinks I’m sub botting, I’m legit not! I got a shoutout by a youtuber named NoyJovz a long time ago, you can even ask him! So unbelievable to see every one of you thinking I’m sub botting. Completely unbelievable. I will be reporting this up to the admins, and I will provide proof.
nice skin and thumbnail. I can see you are very original.
You aren’t getting inspiration or outright taking from anyone else cough cough me
Caught in 4K 60fps 144hz ultra HD
also you have clearly sub botted, if you want to apply for media, i recommend not faking a channel by using websites to increase your numbers.
You have 1k subs however you dont have a video over 300 views.
And social blade clearly shows the spike!
Caught in 4K 60fps 144hz ultra HD pt. 2
i didnt sub bot, i had a shoutout from a popular youtuber which made me gain subs
Who shouted you out? How many subscribers did they have? What video did they shout you out in?
Don’t steal or sub bot, or be dishonest about it :/
Bro I’m legit not even sub botting
Not even sub botting.
Ah, the admins aren’t the ones who review media applications, the Media Manager(s) do. Here you can find who are the Media Manager(s) in specific.
To gain a lot of subs this quickly will result in high view counts as well as resulting in new videos to have high view counts. You haven’t provided any evidence of the shoutout as well as any proof you didn’t sub bot.
hello i have an apple
this body is no longer unclear
Heya snickilz!
After reviewing your channel and content, I’ve decided to deny your application for the lack of MunchyMC content and Minecraft content in general.
On a side note, I’ve reviewed your channel and I don’t believe it has been sub botted, I see you’ve unlisted a lot of videos/views in the past - this conversation has not factored into my decision. Please message me on Discord or the forums if you have any questions. ( Omarmu#0014 )