Prerequisite checklist:
- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:
Yes. I have been regularly active since February of 2020, however I have taken a small break for roughly a month due to other things coming up. I have been working hard to become a developer and Idea Team for the community whilst away from the server itself.
- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:
Yes. I have OBS and I am familiar with OBS. I am beginning content creation, which requires film, audio, and editing experience, which I have all three and I am improving on my skills of all three.
- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?:
Yes. I am active on the TS3 server (not during my break) and have been familiar and competent with how to use TS3 since early 2017. I have had Discord since before then and have been competent with how to use it for several years.
IGN: Tankuu
Age: 18
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Languages spoken: English primarily
Server(s) you are interested in moderating: Any that require moderation. Mostly interested in moderating Survival or Wool Wars.
How active can you be per week? As active as needed. As of currently, I can be active at LEAST 2-3 hours a day if needed. If I get my developer application accepted and enter my trial, I will still be as active as I can be.
Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story: Yes. I was banned for one second by Xiistaf for doing the stanky leg. I will never do it again, I’m so sorry :(
Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application: Yes. I have applied in Spring of 2020 and got denied as an applicant. I have taken action to improve as an applicant by doing the following:
- Actively communicate with higher staff (admins, senior moderators).
- Introduce myself to High Command (awesamdude, Antfrost, leCyber, TheRedVelvetCake, BFI01).
- Become a part of the community and become well-known throughout the Survival server as well as forums.
- Provide ideas and input related to the staff team to BFI01.
- Provide ideas and input related to the community, survival server, and other gamemodes.
- Report many bugs on almost every server of the MunchyMC hub. (I’ll be starting this back up).
- Boosted TS3 and Discord activity.
- Created a Wool Wars map.
- Join the Idea Team.
- Apply for the Developer Team (hoping I get accepted for trial :) ).
- Boosted activity heavily on forums and posted many in-depth ideas to help improve aspects of Munchy including: The TS3 server, The Hub, the Survival server, the WoolWars server, and more.
What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I believe I’m well known within the forums and Survival community at least. I am mostly known for my in-depth ideas and bothersome essays that I write in an attempt to help improve the community as a whole. I believe that the staff team views me as ambitious, maybe too ambitious. However, overall, I believe that my reputation is good.
Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?
I am interested in this role as I strive to grow this community. MunchyMC has been a safe place for me since I joined in early February of this year. As I played, I realized it’s been others’ safe place as well. I know that this community has potential, and I want to show that potential and improve on the community so this place can be the best safe place for everyone who needs it. I admire this community, and I want to show that it can improve.
The role of Junior Moderator can start my future here with Munchy, allowing me to at the very least get rid of hackers and rule-breakers, whilst also having a higher position to voice my opinion and provide input. Overall, I want to be a Junior Moderator to begin my time here with improving MunchyMC.
Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?
I would give my rating a 10 based on my personal experience. I have had previous experience moderating servers in the following: Discord, Minecraft, and Garry’s Mod.
Within my moderation time in Garry’s Mod, I moderated a community with well over 200 active members at a time, and an overall count of 1,000. I moderated the forums and the server itself, taking care of problems between other players and solving disputes, as the server was a serious roleplay. I was promoted to the second-highest position right before Head Admin, before resigning due to a mental health episode that has since been solved.
My moderation time in Minecraft is not all that, as it was mostly when I was younger. When I was around 13-15, I owned a small community with my brothers that averaged maybe 50 players. It was a public SMP server that ended up growing into some sort of RPG-like gamemode, which ended up being disbanded as my brothers grew into adulthood.
As for my moderation experience on Discord, I have been a Head Admin (second in command) on a server with roughly over 1,000 members. Originally, when I joined, the server had around 100 members. Yet whilst I was a member, I worked with the admins in the server to help grow their server, fortify it, organize it, and design it. I eventually was promoted to moderator, which allowed me more power to help show the server it’s full potential. Three months after becoming staff manager, I resigned from the server due to the topic of it being mental health, which dwindled my health as well. The server was in a good enough place to be handled.
Currently, I am a Discord Manager on a YouTuber’s Discord server, “AsherWasHere.” He’s my brother, a new YouTuber with almost 10k subscribers. I worked with the other managers to help maintain his server and keep it a safe place, and I have since been semi-active in the server whilst trying to work on my time here with Munchy.
Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?
I would give my rating an 8. There are some hacks that I am not well aware of, but I tend to learn quickly when they are introduced to me.
I have a fair amount of knowledge when it comes to the Minecraft client, as I am a Java developer and have worked with Anti-Cheat programs before.
The reason I have deducted two points and not given myself a 10 would be that, sometimes, I can’t tell the difference between certain PVP hacks and insane click speed, as I prefer 1.16 PVP over 1.8 PVP and am not entirely experienced with 1.8 PVP.
Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:
Any hacker reports I have made in the past are in the support ticket system. I have not made any public other than to the staff of this community.