Hello cuties!
Since it is valentines day I would like to hear about your survival spouses. Who they are, how you got married in game or any other interesting details, feel free to also include any cute pictures with your spouse. I will also draw some survival couples which is another reason why you definitely should make a reply
(If you don’t want to make a reply about your spouse but you still want a drawing of you together you can send me a message on discord Mysan#0152)
I will start of by telling you how I married my cute husband, @Pingu_God
I was complaining about my now former marriage in clan chat when someone suggested that I could ask pingu to marry me, so I sent him a message asking him if he was married in game and he didn’t answer… then a moment later he had proposed so I did a quick divorce and accepted it. The kiwis later forced us to have a wedding which was a bit strange but still a lot of fun. Now I’m able to bully him sometimes and it’s great :)
I’m looking forward to possibly hearing about your spouses. I hope you have a great day and a happy valentines day