IGN: Tewxx
Timezone: EST
Discord Name: endermann.
How long have you played MunchyMC?: I first joined 2 years ago, but recently I’ve been playing frequently for a month.
How active can you be per week?: I can be on 12 hours a week and can do more if needed.
Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?: Yes, I have been previously banned for cheating.
Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects: Tewxx's Portfolio
Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build:
Every time I build something new, I always feel like I expand upon what I did last. At the time of writing this application, my latest build is my Melon Grove Cottage, which is my current favorite right now. This build I experimented with the gradient roof instead of a stagnant set of blocks and experimented with the terrain, adding a perlin pattern to the floor with bushes, trees, and rocks.
How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
I would say I’m decently experienced in FAWE; I also have some experience with VoxelSniper, and I have experience with Terragen.
Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):
I would say I’m good at building structures and detailing. For example, when I’m stuck, I think, Can I add signs for depth? Can I add buttons? Can I add player heads? I would say terraforming is my weakness compared to most professional builders, but I would say I know most of the basics, like block palettes for certain terrain, terragen patterns, terrain masking, and manually smoothing. I have a picture on my portfolio of my current terrain skill level; check out my “Basic Mountion Landscape” and my “Boardwalk Lighthouse.”
What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?
I have not been a builder rank on any server before.
On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon in your answer:
I would say an 8.5/10. For example, on a building server, I met a previous applicant where I just recently learned he also applied for MunchyMC and got accepted, and we did build a japense surivial friendly base together, and we politely listened to each other’s ideas and learned some new techniques.
Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since?
No, I’ve mostly just been building myself for fun.