Now your one and only goal is to: Steal. This. Cookie. By ANY means necessary. Below here is an example of how this game shall be played:
Player 1 (me): “I have a cookie!” (You all will NOT say this, this is for me to say only and it will not be spoke again!) Player 2 (one of you): “I set off fireworks to distract you and steal the cookie!” Player 3 (respond to player two): “I pull a comically large hammer out to slam you and steal the cookie” etc.
you may go as much times as you want but maybe not two times in a row!
Now let’s see who outwits the rest and steals the cookie
I outrun drex and steal the cookie. I’l hide it within a private, sealed-off dimension. An intangible realm only I can reach. With the genuine cookie removed from any ordinary space, would-be thieves are left grappling at illusions: perfect holographic copies scattered everywhere to confound them. If, by some impossible chance, an intruder even attempts to lay a hand on the original, it will be warded by potent enchantments, instantly teleporting back into its secure pocket reality. To heighten its invisibility and security, I’ll transform the cookie’s very essence into an intangible form. Pure data, energy, or another state unrecoverable to outsiders. Finally, I’ll position autonomous sentinels, whether magical familiars or mechanical drones, as tireless guardians at the hidden gateways. These protectors will relentlessly intercept and repel any infiltration, guaranteeing that the real cookie remains forever unstealable.
Hi guys! So it seems like I’m radio silent, and I kinda am but I figured I’d break the ice now.
I am currently working on 4 forum posts at once, plus Christmas presents/messages to others. I won’t say what order they’re in or what they are besides expect polls of the month in 10 days tops.
I hope you can bear with me for this period and if I need too I’ll copy paste a viral forum game/post if we are all really bored, thank you.