TheColorBlurple's Co-Host Application

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you participated in at least a few events on the Event server before?: Yes, I have participated in several events on the Event server.

- Do you have Discord downloaded and are competent with it?: Yes, I have discord and I am familiar with it.


IGN: thecolorblurple

Age: 14

Timezone: EST

Can you use a microphone? No, I do not own a microphone.

When can you be available to help host events each week?
I have school, so I will not be as active on Munchy during weekdays. These are the estimated times that I could be active

  • Sundays - 8am - 10pm
  • Mondays - 5pm - 10pm
  • Tuesdays - 5pm - 10pm
  • Wednesdays - 5pm - 10pm
  • Thursdays - 5pm - 10pm
  • Fridays - 5pm - 12pm
  • Saturdays - 8am - 12pm

(Sometimes i’m busy, so these times may vary)

What do you think your reputation is like within the community? I think my reputation within the community is relatively well. I’ve been really active within the past 6 months so a lot of people know me. I would consider myself calm and able to deal with toxic players. A lot of people consider me friendly, and I feel like I can get along with people fairly easily.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply? I’m interested in this role because lately i’ve been wanting to get more involved in the Event server, so I feel this is a good way to do so. Helping others has always been something I liked doing, and Co-Host seems like a very interesting role to be a part of!

Do you have any past experience with plugins such as WorldGuard/WorldEdit? I don’t have any experience with plugins, but i’m willing to learn more about them.

How well can you work with a team in a formal/professional environment? I may make a few mistakes since I am not familiar with Co-Hosting, but overall I think I could work fairly well in a formal environment.

Anything you want to add: This is my first application ever so i’m kinda nervous, but please feel free to critique it and good luck to the rest of the applicants!! :)


Blurple is definitely one of the most active people on event and on munchy in general, and she’s always super friendly and mature as well, this application is also very detailed

+1 from me!!! goodluck!!!

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Amazing Person
Active, Mature and such a cute person

+1 Yes

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blurple is active, friendly, mature, trustworthy and a extremely cool person



+1 oh my god she made the application blurple colours


1+ brup




Do I even need to explain why?

I will

Blurple is extremely mature, respectful and would make a great Co-Host


Blurple is one of if not the most friendly person on munchy, consistently setting bars for maturity and kindness that no player has ever reached.

I don’t say these things often, so do me proud blurple, you’ll go far. I have no doubt of that.






plus one :D


Youre so cool yesyesyes


Blurple is cool Very cool active and mature! +1

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Loved to help you, one of the most kindest people I ever met on munchy, +1 from me :revolving_hearts:



Blurple is awesome. Probably one of, if not THE most loved person on the server. Blurple is also super active on multiple Munchy servers, but super active on Event specifically.

They are super nice and super chill, and I can see them being great help during events


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Blurple is really mature, active, and kind. I could definitely see her as a co-host. Good luck! :smile:


my eyes burn

+1 though B)

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You’re a very active player who seems loved by many members of the community, it’s easy to see why based off the application!


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Blurple is such a sweet person and is an absolute joy to be around! 100% recommend! :two_hearts:

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You are so nice and kind :heart: