I love the idea of percentages on dura as a compromise. In the ideal world, I would still love for there to be no dura at all but that is a really good idea for a compromise.
I like the idea of a certain ore that would spawn in the mines to repair the item, I don’t know how this would work, but it is a cool idea. I don’t agree necessarily with your comment about mature players getting bored because I have only been bored on the maps that have dura. I feel dura is a huge turn off from mining. My main focus is to remove dura on pickaxes which I don’t think I have stated.
I 100% AGREE WITH @Cookiedough777
Something I would add tho is if they could stop RENAMING the ultras from last maps into new ones.
As someone who almost exclusively played on Map 2 I support this post 100%. Pvping on my old craptop wasn’t an option so mining and collecting ultras provided a different incentive that I feel is no longer present. I tried both map 3 and 4 but stopped playing in under a week both times. I feel no point in grinding for a pick that’s going to break so quickly. Ultras (especially the picks) being able to break ruined prison for me.
im sitting here 2 years later where you can repair any tool for 500 bucks lmfao
Yeah, those are the semi-rare items, where you could do that even in map 4.
Also don’t necropost