Hello I’m DREX0R formerly known as DREX08 and around 1 month ago I “quit” munchy for “2 month” but it was t 2 cause I’m ending my break halfway through now you can find why I quit Here
But I think it’s time to come back soon enough. So I think it’s time to restate some info you may or may not know about me since I’m back. My name is DREX0R and I main Kitpvp and probably going to start maining woolwars again. I own possibly the most famous (and definitely most best) clan on munchy woolwars poopers. I love things like arguing about stupid things, posting on the forums, trolling artificial intelligence, using my incredible rizz, correcting people when they power scale marvel hero’s, and explaining the m&m lore.
I also love chatting but I’m muted for like 29 more days ur I got discord DREX0R #9478 so I can talk there. I am married to my man Endyz and there’s not much to say so I hope to be welcomed back.
“Woolwars poopers” -DREX0R