I recently got some Ultras on Prison including an Ugly Duckling Egg, but I can find out what to do with it. Is it something that I use to spawn a mob, and is it a one-time use?
I recommend this post for questions about item purposes. Wu made an entire database of every known item, and it is super, super useful.
A UD egg converts all Zone 4 chests into Zone 5 chests, according to the database.
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I thought it said that was what the Goose Egg did.
It has likely been renamed. If you look to the top right hand side, it says ‘Ugly Duckling Egg’. Someone who actually still plays prison will be able to confirm this though.
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Ok, thank you!
The Ugly Duckling egg is the Ultra version of the Ultra Legendary “Golden Goose Egg”
The Ugly Duckling Egg will make any zone 4 chest looted have the same odds as a zone 5 chest
The Golden Goose egg will make any chest in any zone have the same odds as a zone 5 chest
Hope this helped