What happened to Kitpvp?

In my last forum post, I think I gave the wrong picture. I think I made it seem that I haven’t played on MunchyMc before, so my bad. I have played on it before, but it was a while ago, like 3 years ago.

Anyways, I logged onto Kit after finding out I was unbanned (Thank you DutchMTC), and I found literally nobody online, not even one. This is surprising, because the last time I was on, the server would have atleast 10 playesr online no matter what time of day it was. I guess there are several factors that play into this, such as decline in minecraft and overall server, people shifting to other gamemodes, the fact that I was last online like 3 years ago, and probably a lot of other stuff.

I guess I was just shocked to see absolutely nobody online, and I think it will stay that way. It’s kinda sad to think about, because I used to really enjoy soup.


RIP MunchyMC Kitpvp. There were definetly some Ups and Downs, but overall it was great. I’ll definetly miss it.

Hopefully it can make a full comeback in a couple of years. Maybe when Minecraft itself gets popular again, we’ll see munchy grow back to it’s Prime


I was considering making something like this but less question oriented.

Basically Kitpvp got really old for people. Soup in general was dying down and since of the rise of tons of new games ex: lethal company, helldivers 2, content warning, etc. and big heavy hitter games like call of duty, Fortnite, Roblox, or other stuff Minecraft hasn’t been as popular too.

Now this is unrelated but it is exam season quite soon so that’s why a lot less people are prioritizing Minecraft but still, kit was dead before that and that’s because the developers last update concentrated on quality of life instead of long lasting features. Not only that but munchy is focusing more on survival and prison as they get more money then just people buying kits permanently for 3.50$. There’s other stuff but my fingers grow weary.

It’s a shame because Kitpvp was one place I didn’t need to dm friends, ping friends, or them do the same for me in order to hang out. I just got on and met and had fun with a lot of people and I miss that. Though most know me from survival I’m still a kit main at heart and it’s a pain seeing my favorite game mode being abandoned and worse it suck’s not being able to see my friends as much. :(

also it’s been season 4 of Kitpvp for YEARS can someone just end it already?!?!?!?


rip kitpvp


(what is this new emoji)


(That isn’t new…………)

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it’s definitely disappointing to see, but the death of minecraft 1.8 is a natural one- it’s really just because it’s a super old version, people who used to main it grew up. simple as that. they’re in college, or they have a job, or they’ve just moved on.

the new community of minecraft wouldn’t play 1.8, they would play the newer versions because that’s what they know. which makes sense. but it means that older versions (such as the one kitpvp primarily runs on) would die out.


It’s cuz the server owners don’t advertise it. Munchy can revive again because BBH still has many subscribers so idk why he’s just letting the server die. Also the lack of updates and crazy amount of doxing lol


Munchy died and so did 3 gamemodes, next question!



It’s a shame kit had to die, the event hosters were doing amazing and it’s sad to see how they worked so hard but can’t host events because others won’t play since there’s no worthwhile updates or advertising bringing new people. Plus the devs won’t tell us anything either if any new updates :(


The community begged for updates, begged for a better anti-cheat, and begged for the overall wellbeing of the server to be maintained. After so long the community just vanished. There is still a group of people who enjoy the style of combat that munchy has it’s just that it’s been so poorly managed. Personally, I quit because I found the amount of cheaters on the server to be abysmal and really just embarrassing towards the end. It did not help that Lunar Soup also pretty much died along with the whole lunar server. Stuff like this happens though, Minecraft servers don’t always stay up.


Yeah I guess it’s just inevitable. Still sucks though. With everything that everyone has said on this forum post, I don’t think there’s a chance that we get a revive in Munchy Soup Kitpvp, or a revive in 1.8 pvp for that matter.


Minecraft in general is dying, content creation is dry and overall 1.8 players moved on after almost a decade of it‘s release. Munchy used to be focused on 1.8 gamemodes like hg sg and woolwars, however as time went and new versions got more popular and common among everyone, Munchy set it‘s focus on the newer versions. I was really disappointed when Munchy just stopped caring about KitPvP and woolwars, because we were promised updates we never got. Eventually (in my opinion) MunchyMc got unprofessional and a mess, just look at purgatory. It’s disappointing to see the poor management and unprofessional staff (Imo) trying to make this work. I wouldn’t be surprised if Munchy gets shutdown in the future.


Considering the lack of advertising and game mode up keeping it will probably get shut down in a year I’d say or something imo.

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I’m worried about the server as a whole :(


There’s like 7-10 servers im SURE won’t die in the next 5 years, now like even I could be wrong of those servers. 5 years is a long time and these servers just have a big player base that’s loyal and frequent content. This server had a death date since it was made imo, a lot of YouTuber servers do even if they prioritize content over just getting monetization for the creator. This server ain’t gonna last forever, I do hope it survives a couple years longer but I still am grateful for all the chats, moments, memories, and friends I have found here. I too am worried about losing that quite a bit Ace :(


there are other servers under munchymc as a whole not just the ones like wool wars prison kit or survival


Yeah ik. Munchy itself it just really really dead in comparison to back then

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