What happened to Prison?

What a wild rollercoaster of posts and replies. @TheRedVelvetCake and @Varmetek put plenty of work, time, and apparently blood now, into updates and new maps. It’s just funny that individuals like to speak for the entire community as if every single person that plays Prison feels the same way. I personally have been biding my time waiting for the new map as I know the transition from 1.12 to 1.18 was huge, thus requiring tons of adjusting and balancing to get the PvP as close to 1.8 as possible, along with the ample other custom additions and changes that will be coming with the version change. @Quakiy we’ve all been waiting for Map 9. But I feel the wait will be well worth it.


I’m sure we would all like the maps to be released earlier and updates to be daily, but that’s not realistic. Red and Varm have lives outside of developing Prison, so the expectations everyone has for updates are absurd. I used to complain about the lack of updates, but after seeing all the work that Red and Varm have put into previous maps and comparing that to where Prison originally started, it’s a massive improvement. Also, for the first week, there are generally 100+ players on fairly consistently (outside of dead hours during the night). For the first month, there are almost always 50+ players on at all times. It drops off some over the course of the month as people get burnt out, but normally bigger updates (particularly special crates) often bring players back for a few weeks.


hey remember when someone said Red was trustworthy and everything he says about prison is true and then I pointed out how he is definitely capping about working on the 2nd sneak peak just as this post was created (he said it would be released yesterday to be exact)
and then when he didn’t release the sneak peak when he said he would and i wasn’t like oh hey dang this is not what i anticipated what is this this is totally unexpected i thought everything red says is true darn this is unbelievable

My point is that you cannot rely on red’s words solely. Maps that red didn’t work on had unique features too(ex. map 5). If he was so confident about how much he has improved prison, he wouldn’t have listed things that existed before he became in charge as something he brought to the table (example he listed farming, prison break and ULs as something he added when they existed well before he became an admin lmao). Just because they put in lots of work (assuming they actually do) does not immediately imply that they’re correctly applying all that work. I can spend hours scrolling through the internet trying to find a title for my 2000 word essay, but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be worth jack. First of all they need to embrace the fact that prison isn’t perfect and they could be running things more smoothly, and after that they need to hire more devs. Those two things alone would make this whole system better by a ton.


All we want as a community is more transparency on what’s in the works.

Otherwise we have posts like these where we have a lot of kickback because we’re left in the dark and given the impression that we’re not cared about. This thread is actually a RARE instance in which the person responsible for the issue addressed ACTUALLY responds, taking ownership and initiative. Velvet made an extremely thorough, although a little aggressive, response that ultimately shows that our thinking was flawed–in this case that Prison is being neglected. But in reality it’s not.

All of this verbal judo and text emotion displayed throughout this thread would be avoided if we had more insight as to the perspective of the staff team on HOW things are going, WHAT is going on, and stuff like WHY things are the way they are. I acknowledge that Velvet has made steps to combat this with the sneak peeks and the like. This is exactly what we need. We need more of it.

There’s been a few times where I’ve done something like this, talking about something I find off, and I just get ignored and my concerns aren’t addressed. Lack of ownership and accountability, as I have seen it here, hurts the synergy between staff and community.

I like to believe that I’ve contributed a fair amount of time and work for this community and to be treated like this hurts me personally and I’m not sure what I did to deserve this. I honestly thought that there were people that were here to help me, that have KNOWN me from my time here in the older years. When I returned here some months ago, no one bothered to say anything. I feel betrayed and cheated and alone.

So when someone is bringing up an issue and no one pertinent to the problem says anything, this thinking remains the same and is rather reinforced. Not in this case of course, Velvet made a meaningful response, just saying in general from my experience.


Very well said, I agree with what you’ve said about ownership & accountability, as well as the overall staff and community synergy. Thank you for the response.


I appreciate the passion and interest in this thread, but in the interest of keeping it open and staying on topic I’ve removed some of the replies to more accurately reflect the conversation. If the thread continues to go off topic then it will be closed as there is seemingly little else to discuss. If someone has a point to make though then the thread can stay open!


I think at the beginning of map 2 it was literally just mining and pvp and looting. Dream added the crates and gambling later

So is their a time frame we are looking at/thinking about? That’s pretty much all this post is about. Alot of people just want some information.


“Soon” and “Coming in June” is all we’re given. This has been repeated numerous times

Too much drama. Not worth coming back for map 9. I agree with what the second guy said, dont return so they stop trying to make these maps. They didnt have to make it in 1.18, they chose to do that. They could have changed the scenery and added a couple new items which is pretty much what they did every other year and it would have been all ok. But they choose to work on this massive task with minimal employees and your sitting here wondering why its not done. Its pretty foolish if you ask me and from what I can tell is a big mistake. Enjoy the release of map 9 in a couple months time, will it be worth the wait? Probably not. Can tell you what I’m not going back and im sure there are many people who have given up on munchy.

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Almost everything you said in this post is just outright wrong. Prison is probably the most popular server on Munchy, so coming out with new maps is vital to the success of the server as a whole (just look at the player counts when Map 9 is released compared to what they are now).

The game mode NEEDED an update to 1.18 considering we were 10 entire MC versions behind what the current version of the game is. This also allows Red and Varm to implement new mechanics, add new custom mobs, etc. If they decided to “change the scenery and add a couple new items,” people wouldn’t play the server due to a lack of interest and the game mode becoming stale. Could they get another Dev to help with development times? Possibly. However, Red has clearly stated that he likes to work with Varm directly to get things done. While it might take longer, it’s generally a more polished product than if you had two different Devs trying to implement their own vision of how items, mobs, etc. should function.

Overall, if you don’t want to play the game mode and think it’s stale, just leave and don’t bring your negativity to the game mode and the forums. It gets old seeing people complain that it took 3-4 extra months to get to play the new Prison map. We’re all waiting for it. You’re not special.