What happened to Prison?

I’m making this post because I’m genuinely wondering what happened to Prison.

We’ve been on the reset for nearly 7 months, after being told it was meant to last 1 - 3 months.
We were told that a Map 9 Release Date would be coming soon with the reset, again 7 months ago.
We were told ‘Everything is almost complete.’ on a very promising first sneak peak, 3 months ago.
Notice a recurring theme?

I’m not upset because of how long it’s taking to push out Map 9. I honestly applaud Varmetek for all the work he’s done for Prison, due to him being the only developer (as far as I know), and I can only imagine how time-consuming an update to a completely new version that you may or may not be used to is.

I’m more upset with the false promises given out by the Management Team.
You’d think with as many big names backing the server, and 6+ years of experience, they’d have most of this down by now.

Even if there are still these promises of something happening, it would be more understandable if these “announcements” were more frequent. The last public post from Management about Prison (to my knowledge) was the first Sneak Peak back in March.

I realize that development isn’t something you can put a set date on. Issues are bound to happen & delay the process. But if there was more transparency with the community on the current stage of the gamemode, and what has been happening over the past 7 months, then it would be much more understandable.

With gamemodes such as Survival, Wool Wars, SG, and hell, even Purgatory being talked about & or receiving frequent updates, it genuinely feels from a community perspective that Prison has been forgotten about, and left to burn out.

So many people love this gamemode, and I personally think it’s one of, if not the best gamemode that Munchy has pushed out. But seeing it in this current ‘abandoned’ state is so devestating.

TL;DR - If your going to promise that the gamemode is being worked on, and say that it’s close to finish, then be more transparent with the community on what’s happening with it, instead of leaving us feeling like it’s been completely abandoned.

Edit - This post was not a “oh map 9 is taking too long” post. The post was a “hey, please give us community announcements or something so we know its being worked on, thx” post. Some of you don’t realize that.


I don’t think anything “happened” to prison. This is the way it’s always been. The last few maps have all taken them about a year to come out with, but this one seems to be dragging out exceptionally long.

Their issue is that they think one college student developer is enough and that he can “handle” everything on his own even though it’s taking him nearly 2 years to develop a new map.

I don’t think they will ever be “transparent” because munchy as a whole isn’t very professional and their work is very sloppy. They may have a few individuals who try really hard, but that’s not worth much when the network isn’t organized or strict in any sense of the word.

I hope very few people show up to next map’s release so that they don’t bother making a new one and this toxic cycle can finally be broken.


Hey @Quakiy,

Firstly amazing post for summarising some of the problems with what’s going on. But you need to understand some huge setbacks for map 9 development.

  1. As you and @Cr4zyG4m3r said, Varm’s focused on his college work. This isn’t his main focus right now.

  2. Map 9 is set in 1.18.2! Converting assets for different versions especially past updates like 1.12 is a huge task, and I’m personally very impressed that they spent months working on this alone.

I would really like to see more prison developers, or at least more developers working on prison. Map 9 should not have taken more than 2 years to come out and it should be the jobs of management to reflect on this and hire more devs. However, because it’s now in 1.18 I don’t believe future maps will take as long as this one did.

Also, Map 9 is actually coming out in June, from what I heard in Red they need to “set it up and finish some of the fishing rares” which he said it’ll take him sometime til June to do.

Also @Cr4zyG4m3r I dislike the premise of “It took too long so let’s boycott it so it won’t happen again.” That’s an incredibly foolish take that I don’t think has any validity to it for a number of reasons, the main one being that people still enjoy prison.


Thanks for the reply Crafty, let me go over a few points in general just for some clarification.

I totally understand this. Obviously, Varm is going to have other things outside Munchy to prioritize, and I’m not coming after him at all. Having to work on a gamemode such as Prison, with no other devs, and on a completely new version, can cause a huge delay in the time between Map 8 / Map 8 Reset → Map 9.

My main issue is just the fact that whenever Management does talk about the release, they always say something along the lines of ‘It’s almost here.’, and always try “building hype”, even if they know there is still multiple months worth of work that needs to be done on it.

I think the addition of more Prison Developers to the team would be a great idea.
It would help spread out the work, and potentially fulfill these promises a bit sooner.

As nice as it is to hear that they have a planned release date, I still am not going to count on it coming out in June. If it is around June, I would expect it to be more of the end of June / early July.
This is simply due to the fact that we are almost at June, and still yet to see the 2nd Sneak Peak for the map.

Overall, I honestly just hope that the Management Team becomes a bit more public on what’s going on & what has been happening.


Yeah I agree it’s pretty ridiculous. Prison is a gamemode with lots of potential, but making us sit here, waiting for a new release, is just a waste.
I love Varmetek and I’m glad he’s working on college stuff, because that should be his priority. What Munchy’s priority should be is to hire more developers. It’s clear that he’s unable to handle things on his own while also meeting our expectations.


I’m glad to see excitement about prison, regardless of the content of the post, so I appreciate that. I’ll address what you said here:

I’m making this post because I’m genuinely wondering what happened to Prison.

We’ve been on the reset for nearly 7 months, after being told it was meant to last 1 - 3 months. We were told that a Map 9 Release Date would be coming soon with the reset, again 7 months ago. We were told ‘Everything is almost complete.’ on a very promising first sneak peak, 3 months ago.
Notice a recurring theme?

When we did the Refresh, we did it because we had only just started Map 9 development on a long road ahead. We never said anything about “1-3 months” or any time frame on when Map 9 would come. We’ve been as upfront as possible as to the development of Map 9 and how long it will take. Before map 7, future map information was never released and no information was given until the announcement post a week or two prior and people were left in the dust for half a year often on a dead server with no information about what’s coming. I’ve made an effort to change that with the sneak peeks, which I’ll discuss further later on in this reply.

I’m not upset because of how long it’s taking to push out Map 9. I honestly applaud Varmetek for all the work he’s done for Prison, due to him being the only developer (as far as I know), and I can only imagine how time-consuming an update to a completely new version that you may or may not be used to is.
I’m more upset with the false promises given out by the Management Team.You’d think with as many big names backing the server, and 6+ years of experience, they’d have most of this down by now.

Varmetek and I are the management team. I’m not sure what “big names” are behind anything, or who’s ass you pulled that out of, but Varmetek and myself are the only people who have put out anything in regards to release date and haven’t said anything specific timeline or number of months in which the development would be finished, at least not up until very recently. We have as such not given any false promises and continue to be up front about how long the new features and upgrading to 1.18 has taken.

Even if there are still these promises of something happening, it would be more understandable if these “announcements” were more frequent. The last public post from Management about Prison (to my knowledge) was the first Sneak Peak back in March.

Prior to my coming on, there were no sneak peeks prior to maps, only the announcement post right before release. There also were relatively few to no new features added at the start of each map. I’ve wanted to do a couple Sneak Peeks now leading up to each map. The reason that Sneak Peek 2 hasn’t come out yet is because I’ve been waiting for the inside map to be complete. It was completed a few days ago added onto the test server yesterday, so I’ve been preparing the sneak peek since and you’ll see it soon. I was planning to finish it and post it today but I’ve spent too much time answering this and will finish it tomorrow.

I realize that development isn’t something you can put a set date on. Issues are bound to happen & delay the process. But if there was more transparency with the community on the current stage of the gamemode, and what has been happening over the past 7 months, then it would be much more understandable.
With gamemodes such as Survival, Wool Wars, SG, and hell, even Purgatory being talked about & or receiving frequent updates, it genuinely feels from a community perspective that Prison has been forgotten about, and left to burn out.

After reading this section, I rammed a screwdriver through my skull. I have been bleeding out since.

Prison goes through two phases: the on-season and the off-season. During the “on-season” it is updated more frequently than any other gamemode - usually weekly. Prior to map 7, it was usually a couple updates a month, but since I came on I’ve tried to have one every weekend. In older maps you could go a month or two without an update, now if I miss one weekend half the server goes ballistic.

Right now prison is in the “off-season” This is when all focus for development is on the next map. This happens every map, and older maps had very long periods without updates. The amount of updates and changes being done right now and during this period where you don’t see development has been IMMENSE and Varmetek has been working hard to push out everything asked of him. There has been another developer working with him a bit and are plans for a third, though I prefer working solely with Varmetek on certain things.

Ibby and the Survival developers have done an exceptional and commendable job with updates and especially with their newest cosmetics update - I love it so much! Fumaz has been adding fantastic things to Wool Wars recently and I love the updates. But the idea that these servers receive more attention or more updates is exceptionally IGNORANT beyond belief and has no basis in reality, and during the on-season of prison this is extremely apparent. If you had all the information I think you’d find prison receives more development on it overall than all other servers combined, partly due to the nature of the gamemode and in part because I constantly write new things for Varmetek to add, and Varmetek has been so wonderful in working on them. Prison receives weekly updates in the on-season and in the current off-season Varmetek has been working to add SO MUCH. The only time prison isn’t being actively worked on for updates for the current map is when updates for the next map are being worked on, and when I like to add a dozen new features, more items at the start than any map previous, and when the version is being upgraded to 1.18, this takes a long freaking time.

Another thing to consider:

Prior to Map 7, prison was a lot loss intensive and had a lot less to it. Going into Map 9, 3 maps later, there are a TON more features to change and update and a lot more content to be added, not just mining and looting.

For Maps 1 through 6, the Map releases only had the following to add content for:

Mining, PvP, Gambling, Crates, Looting

Since then, we have added a number of new features, and the following need to be balanced/changed/updated etc. for Map 9 IN ADDITION to what was previously listed:

Woodcutting, Farming, Fishing, Challenges, Prestige Area, Creature Rares, Prisonbreak, Custom Mobs, Zones, ULs/Fableds, Epic Rares, Hints, Enchanted chests, Prestige Shop, new custom leaf drop items, + 2 OTHER NEW FEATURES to be discussed in Sneak Peek 2, and more.

All of the current litany of different prison features that have built up today, the entirely new features I like to add with new maps, along with updating and perfecting 1.18 takes a long time and we’ve been actively working on it for over half a year. That and working with the builders who just finished the inside map which I would say is easily the best designed yet.

So many people love this gamemode, and I personally think it’s one of, if not the best gamemode that Munchy has pushed out. But seeing it in this current ‘abandoned’ state is so devestating.
TL;DR - If your going to promise that the gamemode is being worked on, and say that it’s close to finish, then be more transparent with the community on what’s happening with it, instead of leaving us feeling like it’s been completely abandoned.

The screwdriver is now in my throat. I can taste the blood. The light is fading. Can’t be much longer now.


Red, please refrain from putting screwdrivers inside of your person.

Thanks, MunchyMC


Screwdrivers are not edible :+1:


Why are you the funniest and honestly just best person I know

Is prisonbreak from the start of the map or a couple months in

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Hello, Red.
Thank you for taking the time to read over my post, and leave your thoughts on it.
I believe you make many good points, but there are also some things to take into consideration if you look at this from a community perspective, so I am going to go over those things.

Starting off with this. I can very much recall this ‘1 - 3 month’ time frame being stated. Whether it was something said by you, Varm, or another higher-up staff member. I understand that rumours get started, but I am simply going off of what I remember, and I can distinctly recall a Prison Staff Member (someone that you’d expect to be giving accurate information on the gamemode) giving this time frame.

Personally, I feel this is something that can be improved upon.
From a community member standpoint (I can’t speak for others, but I can speak for myself), there should definetly be more communication with the community on what is going on with the gamemode.
Even if it’s something such as a ‘monthly dev blog’, or something like that, just so we can feel that the gamemode is actually being worked on. It would honestly go a long way.

When referring to the ‘management team’, I am more so speaking about any SR-Mods or higher that have given out information about Prison (and they will be who I am referring to whenever I say management team in the rest of this post). You may argue that ‘Sr Mods aren’t the ones managing the gamemode, and all they do is staff it.’, but as a community member, if I am recieving information from someone that is at that position & most likely has close connections with you, Varm, and the progress of the gamemode, I am going to believe that most of the information they give out is accurate, and therefore I would consider them as some sort of management. They may not be officially known as a manager, but in that position, I deem the trustworthy enough to give out valid information.

There’s not a way to sugar-coat this, so I’m going to lay it out as I see it.
MunchyMC is owned by 2 of the largest names in the Minecraft Community as a whole. I hate to drag them into this, but I honestly have to, as to make my point.
With the resources and experience held by said owners, I feel like expecting something better than where we as a community currently stand with Prison isn’t a big ask.

I feel they have more than enough of the ability to hire more managers & developers for the gamemode, who of which can help provide the community with many of the things that I have currently listed out as complaints.

False Promises is perhaps too harsh of a term, but the point is still there.
There have been many things said that are designed to build hype, whether that be a time frame given out by a member of the ‘management team’, or even things said in the Sneak Peak itself.
Map 9 has been in development for some time, and it’s almost ready to be released!
“It’s not certain when release is yet, so we don’t want to say anything exact, but it will be SOON and we will announce it as soon as we know the date! Everything is almost complete.”

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel when using terms such as ‘Almost ready’, ‘Soon’, and ‘Almost complete’ in this way, it’s meant to build hype way too early, even if there is still multiple months of work ahead of the announcement.

Going back to what I said in the original post, it would be understandable to say these things, if there was more announcements or posts regarding Prison as a whole, because then we would actually be able to see where the gamemode is at, and not have to wonder if it has been forgotten about. Something such as dev blogs, or smaller, more frequent sneak peaks, would really go a long way.

This is all great, and I’m glad you’ve made a difference Red. But again, as a community member, I don’t see these things. I can understand your frustration. You and Varm have most likely put a lot of time & effort into making sure that we, the community, enjoy the next map. But if there isn’t that reassurance that stuff is actually getting worked on, then we realistically don’t know that. We can’t read minds, so if we aren’t given any real sign of hope for the gamemode, then most people think that it’s not being worked on.

I’m not saying that you have to show off everything that’s coming with the map. What I AM saying is that there should be more communication with the community on what is happening.

I understand this. If there is a new map right around the corner, then there shouldn’t be as much of a push to update the current map, so long as we know what’s happening with the gamemode. I do believe that having another developer that is still working on updates for the current map, is a good idea. It doesn’t have to be anything major. Maybe just a few small changes, a new item every now and then, and that would be fine. But since we aren’t really getting anything, it again, feels as though the gamemode is abandoned.

I keep saying this. As a community member (like you even say in the quote below), we cannot see the work that’s being done to Prison.

Over an extended period of time with no announcement, update, post, or anything really, it gives the feeling of nothing getting done.

The rest of your post I don’t really feel the need to cover. It ultimately just goes over how long it actually takes to do this update, due to it having so many more things than the previous updates.

I want to end this off by saying I never intended to bring hate to you, Varm, or anyone else that works on the gamemode. I think the work you guys do for it is incredible, and I can understand that something such as a brand new prison map, especially on a completely different version can be very time consuming, and take up a lot of resources and effort to perfect.
My main goal was to really just ask for more community interaction & transparency on what’s happening with this gamemode that we’ve all come to love, and hate, while also making a point.

If you or anyone would like to talk about anything else regarding this post, you’re more than welcome to reach out, either on the forums by replying / messaging me (can you even message people on the forums?), or DMing me on Discord (Quakiy#0330).

Once again, thanks for responding to the thread. Whether or not you decide to actually go through with some of the things I’ve said is up to you guys, but it would really mean a lot coming from a prison player like myself.


Ill give you a slightly better response as to why your arguments are incredibly flawed.

Can you find exactly when this was?

You understand that they can’t reveal everything right, if they give it all away what’s the point of playing the map and learning and using the new items and features if its all spelled out before you even get to play it. IMO Red’s done a good job balancing amount of info given with keeping somethings secret.

Senior Moderators are in no way management unless they manage a separate team which none of the prison smods do.

Do they have the power to hire more devs, sure. But according to red prison is one of the most worked on gamemodes so i see no reason as to why bad or drean should be dragged into this, especially since they don’t directly control prison development, red and varm do. They’re the people to please, and one is currently ramming a screwdriver into their head ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The man literally said an update tomorrow and it’s getting released in June, if you want more info go ask someone who can give you the answers you want.

Again, why don’t you check forums tomorrow, or in a couple weeks when the announcement post is dropped.

K good but input doesn’t help when you’ve pretty much just been called ignorant by the prison manager.

I appreciate the attitude, I don’t particularly appreciate the message. Red’s given you the facts, that should be that, discussion over. I apologise if this is perceived as rude, but I can’t be any more blunt about this.

If I end up taking the time to scroll the DMs & screenshots, I would love to.
However, that’s not really the point of this thread.

“I’m not saying that you have to show off everything that’s coming with the map. What I AM saying is that there should be more communication with the community on what is happening.”

“You may argue that ‘Sr Mods aren’t the ones managing the gamemode, and all they do is staff it. ’, but as a community member, if I am recieving information from someone that is at that position & most likely has close connections with you, Varm, and the progress of the gamemode, I am going to believe that most of the information they give out is accurate, and therefore I would consider them as some sort of management. They may not be officially known as a manager, but in that position, I deem the trustworthy enough to give out valid information.”

I feel like expecting something that a SR. Mod says to at the very least be relatively accurate is not a big ask.

“I would really like to see more prison developers, or at least more developers working on prison. Map 9 should not have taken more than 2 years to come out and it should be the jobs of management to reflect on this and hire more devs.”
A direct quote from you before the reply from Red.

As the owners of the server, do they not get a say in what happens with it, and it’s gamemodes?
Also, um.

I’m not trying to please them. I’m explaining what I see as the main issues of the gamemode.

The only reason it is known that the Sneak Peak is coming tomorrow is because of this thread.
I feel like having to ask someone who has most likely been asked multiple times ‘uhh hey whats happening with prison’ is not the right approach, especially when the realistic answer to that is ‘An announcement will be posted shortly.’

If that’s what Red thinks, that’s fine. Again, my goal of this is not to hate, nor please the prison staff team.
The overall point of this post was to describe what I see as the main flaws with the gamemode.

I also find this quote from your first post pretty funny.

Either way, thanks for the reply.


I gave my input for your post. If you mean to your reply, then no not really, other than to say the following:

Only Varmetek and I know what exactly all is going on in regards to Map 9, and any information you don’t see in a post or hear directly from us should be ignored. If some staff member are giving incorrect info as you are implying, then report that privately. We never said 1-3 months. You mention BadBoyHalo and Dream like that’s relevant. Dream isn’t attached to the server and BBH being a YouTuber has no relevance to me and Varm working on prison. Don’t get your :briefs: in a wad because we use the term “soon” too much. That’s been a meme since Map 1 Soon™. Prison has been consistent on being vague until a few weeks before release, and I’ve decided to start doing Sneak Peeks too. I don’t intend to do anything further in regards to pre-map spoilers.


This is the first lie i’ve read from Red. Myself and timidly are the embodiment of Prison and decide whatever goes into development or not, heck we even develop it ourselves.

@Quakiy this is little bees 13th reason, you complained about delay and just caused another delay. Goodjob.


Bruh what are you even talking about. I said this keeps happening to prison and there’s no point in complaining anymore because the same people who complain are the ones who show up to every release. Just stop showing up, stop giving it attention. This is a toxic cycle of unrealistic expectations + hope that something will change, when in reality, I’m sure that for well over 2/3rds of prison’s existence the server has been completely deae, as opposed to about 5% of the time (beginning of the map) when it has over 50 players consistently.

These guys clearly don’t plan on making a change in their time schedule, so I said you should either quit expecting anything from them or quit whining. “You” doesn’t directly mean ImCrafty in the sentence prior to this one btw.


back to the important topic

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Probably a few weeks/months… it’s just going to spoil all of the items and their abilities if you can just play prisonbreak to see all the leggies etc


Who would’ve thought the whole Minecraft code changed over a 7 year period smh


Prison post cycle