WoolWars Easter Map Competition
Hosted by TheBoop!
WoolWars Easter Map Competition
Hosted by TheBoop!
It’s time for another MunchyMC WoolWars Competition
. This time we will be looking for the best WoolWars map themed around Easter!
If you don’t know how to make a WW map I suggest that you check out this post that talks about how to make your own map, please be sure to read this even if you think you already have as there may have been changes since you last read it!
It is required that you make the map in version 1.8.9 as this is the version that our server plays on and we would not be able to include any map features or files that would be from other versions.
The team size limitation for the competition will be at 5 people (or less) per submission to keep it fair for the people who decide to build solo. Please keep in mind, if you decide to be a part of a group project, only one submission may be made per group and if you make a submission as a group you cannot also submit a solo build, so stick with one and make it as good as you can . Don’t forget to add in a “waiting for game” parkour to your map, being careful to only use one block type (and ladders or signs if needed) while making it.
The judges for this competition will be myself, @TheFrug and @Aiadeva.
The competition will close on Sunday the 28th of March at Midnight GMT (8pm EST) and the winners will be announced a few days later in time for having the map added at Easter!
Competition Rules
Solo and team maps are allowed. On a team build ALL builders must be credited and prizes will be given to the team, split as requested by the members.
For this competition, the max team size will be 5.
Only one map per player/team. You cannot be part of more than one team.
You may build maps of any shape or size as long as it works for playability.
- Map player count is 24 players;
- Duels maps will not be accounted this time around due to our existing backlog of maps to add for this once we have the ability to do so.
Submitting others’ work as your own will result in disqualification from the competition and any future competitions too. You will not be given a chance to resubmit. This includes taking full credit for a co-operative build or directly stealing builds from the internet.
Staff members, including WoolWars staff, are most definitely allowed to submit entries
How to Enter:
You can submit entries for the competition as a new post. Please follow this format:
Post name: “[WWBC:Easter] - (Map name)”
Making sure to replace Map name with the name of your map.
In the post please follow all original formatting requested in this post.
You SHOULD include screenshots of your build in your reply, this will be what we judge maps on, so make sure we can judge fully from the screenshots you provide.
Winner: Exclusive Wooly tag to each team member and 1 month of Legend rank to share
The winning map will be added to the game in time for Easter. Maps are subject to change before entering the gamemode in case fixes need to be made to them.
Judging criteria:
We will be reviewing each of your map screenshots and rating them from 1-10 in the following categories
Map playability
Build quality/execution
Chest placements
Good luck to everyone who submits an entry!
If you have any questions please feel free to DM me anywhere you can find me.
~ TheBoop/TheFrug
Lobby changes!
Lobby changes!
The lobby has had some updates to fix some stuff and add some more things to explore! Some of the notable changes are the following:
You can now find a variety of mobs wandering around the island! From pigs to villagers to rabbits, see who you can find!
Fernando is back and looking better than ever!
Pig competition
@Alkemystix had the winning submission to the named pig competition! The lobby is now a home to the beloved me when pig!
New parkour
You will now be able to find a shorter more puzzle-styled parkour to attempt in the treehouse! It is quite fun and very satisfying to complete as it has some tricky jumps!
House interior design
All the houses will now be fully decorated and habitable!
Some parts of the lobby were certainly frustrating, and they have been cleaned up!
This includes a centred butterfly and a hole-less rainbow!
Other minor tweaks
Finally, there are a bunch of other small tweaks that will just clean up the island and make it feel more like ourland
Splash potion of Jump Boost 2
Splash potion of Jump Boost 2
After a month’s long trial, the splash potion of Jump Boost 2 potion can finally be judged and concluded! Based on staff and community feedback, it has been decided that the addition will be staying, both with the current duration and chance of spawning in chests! Unfortunately the colour of the potion will remain the same for now, however once technical limitations are overcome the potion will be changed to have a unique colour (this is a long term goal and has no time frame though)!
Aside from Jump Boost 2 pots, fishing rods will now have reduced durability to lower their effectiveness. You will be able to craft multiple rods together to make higher durability rods though!
Lastly, stacks of snowballs can no longer be found in chests. Lower amounts of snowballs can still be found at the same frequency.