Woolwars map submission

Map name - Oreo jar
Max players - 24
Builder - Greenite
CenterX - -1179
CenterZ - 290
LowestY - 4
HeightLimit - 64
Parkour block - Nether_Quarts_Ore
Player spawn block - Sea_Lantern

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Map download link: GreniteguyOreoThemedMap

I aint sure if there already is a oreo themed woolwars map but here it is anyways
oreos are epic

-Grenote guy

Edit:Added oreos at the middle and added my head
Edit:Fixed link


sick :sunglasses: :beers: the map looks to be skillfully made, and I would love to play on this map. I recommend you should add more platforms to cover the empty middle area.

Rating: +0.8


Cool map! (@Oryeo) Adding more platforms would be better but otherwise I really like that map!
Rating: +1


Ill figure something out of the middle


I like the idea around the map, but in my opinion, it could use more detail.

Nice job!


Hot +1




This map look a m a z i n g!
I would love to see this.
( wait are you allowed to make these company based maps like will you get copyrighted?


Elllooo! Nice map!

Few points of interest that caught my eye

  • correct me if im wrong but the map looks quite small in terms of hight.

  • I think you could use some extra platforms and to wack two brids with one stone I would also use the opportunity to add some extra since it does look a bit repetitive with only milkbuckets and oreos.

  • I’ve never seen a brown oreo in my life ;)

But aside from that great work and I hope you can appreciate my feedback.

Have damn good day!

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looks like brown to me

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Guess they dont have those in the Netherlands. Never seen any brown ones before. Still prefer the black and white look though. :slight_smile:

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all i have to say is oreo

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Oreo MunchyMC sponsorship when?? @BadBoyHaIo

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I love it! I agree with everyone else that it could use some more platforms, but it’s still great! I hope it’s added to the server. +1

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Hey there, sorry for the delay.

Unfortunately your submission has been unsuccessful this time, but please don’t be discouraged! We are always delighted any time we get new maps from players and we’d love to see more of these from you!

For this submission, I’d work on making more platforms and structures to fight on. There are a few large empty spaces that I think can be improved.

Thank you for your submission!