Wowy Media Application

Channel link: Twitch

Number of followers: 850

Average number of views per vid:
30-40 viewer average, a total of 350-500 live view per stream.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
I have been creating content since 2017 on my youtube channel, I have just recently started streaming on twitch.

Servers for which you have created content:
Mainly Hypixel bedwars and Woolwars

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I recently have started playing woolwars again and have been finding it really enjoyable, some members of the community suggested i applied :slight_smile:



You meet the follower requirement but none of your recent streams seem to be on Munchy. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Check my latest stream out, 3/4 of it was on Munchy :slight_smile:


BIG +1
My guy meets the reqs, is really cool and I’m the one who recommended him to apply. Gl homie <3



Although you did stream MunchyMC today, I could not find evidence of you following the criteria listed below:

The oldest vod I could find is one of you playing on a server that is not MunchyMC. (which is 13 days old I believe) As well, there is no mention of MunchyMC or even the server IP in the title of the stream/vod.

At the moment, I don’t find you suitable for the Media Team as of now. My recommendation for now is to try and make some more Munchy content and then try reapplying in a month or so. Best of luck.


Also, I’m going to defend wowy for a sec

  1. The ip wasn’t in his description, however he did have a command setup so that when a viewer did the !ip command the server ip would pop up
  2. Twitch deletes its users vods and there’s nothing a streamer can do about it except by becoming a partner. I would very much so assume wowy has been creating content since before that.

Could you link a few streams in the application? Definitely helps out since the titles don’t contain MunchyMC


+1 I think your streams are quite enjoyable, also I saw u were streaming on woolwars recently, and u do meet the followers and viewers requirements too! I would suggest streaming more often in Munchy tho.

Good luck Wowy!


Agreeing with Dutch on this one


You meet the requirements but I see no proof that you have played munchy before without links of the vods. From what it looks to me you are a bedwars streamer and I don’t see any content related to Munchy

Good Luck!


Adding to here, in this stream he starts playing on Munchy around the 3:08.06 mark, and in this stream around the 01:13:58 mark. I’m not going to evaluate the entirety of all of his vods, but from my knowledge these are the 2 most latest MunchyMC streams. And I can’t find evidence of any streams older than 13 days old.

Heya Wowy!

please add me on Discord ( Omarmu#0014 ), or message me on the forums.


Grats wowy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Congrats Wowy!!

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GG haha


Accepted. Welcome to the team :)