Wumpy JayRay123's Media Rank Application

Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNR_T18D2vnEML5u4v2r47w?view_as=subscriber

I currently have 220 subscribers on youtube but I am rapidly growing and have gained over 100 subscribers in the last month.
My average views per video/stream is around 100-120.
I have been creating content on a variety of servers for around 6-7 months but I stream Minecraft java servers almost daily now.
I have created content on munchymc, hypixel and cube craft.

I believe that I would be a good candidate for media rank as I am a fast-growing channel and love to create content and grow a positive community. recently, when I have been streaming on munchymc, I have brought many new players who had not heard of the server before and encouraged them to play on it more often. I hope you accept my application but thank you for your time either way.

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Your application is great! However, please use proper formatting to make an application. That can be found below as well as the requirements of having the Media Rank.

Hope you found this useful! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey! As well as Vurm said. You currently do not meet the requirements. I highly encourage you to keep going however! Do not give up.

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Thanks for reading through it. I understand that you have to wait a while to apply again so hopefully I will be closer to meeting the requirements next time I apply.

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Application denied. We feel your channel is not close enough to the requirements to be accepted yet. You can review them here if you need them. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before reapplying