Your Opinions on the Jump Boost II Potion

Jump Boost II Potion

It's been a little over half of the one-month trial of having the Jump Boost II Potion in the loot table. I thought it would be cool just to see everyone's opinions on it.

1. What do you think about it having the same color as the 12 splash potion of Poison?
  • Highly Concerned
  • Concerned
  • Neutral
  • Low Concern
  • Not Concerned

0 voters

  1. What do you think about the duration? (10 Seconds)
  • High
  • Slightly High
  • Neutral
  • Slightly Low
  • Low

0 voters

  1. Do you think that Bouncy (Kit) is now redundant/useless?
  • Yes
  • Neutral
  • No

0 voters

  1. On a scale of 1-10, what’s your overall opinion on it? (“1” being you desperately want it to go, “10” being you really want it to stay)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Thank you!
Feel free to reply with anything else you want to add :slight_smile:


please, change the color asap.


If changing the color isn’t a possibility because of limitations, maybe change it to a drinkable potion with a slight increase of duration? It was drinkable for like the first 5 minutes of it being added.


It’s literally 10 seconds lol

I don’t think it’s that game breaking and it’s better than jump boost 1 LOL


Honestly I didn’t even know they had been implemented yet. I was so confused earlier today when all my “poison potions” weren’t working. Maybe give it another week for me to form an opinion now that I know it’s out there lol


There is no limitation.
The color of any potion can be changed at will with any color possible.
The only thing they can’t think of is how to make the jump boost potion distinguishable compared to the bouncy particles.
I suggest pastel green. :3


I cannot change the colour due to technical limitations, @uSolus was indeed correct.

Thanks for the informative polls Aqua, I will certainly factor these opinions into the final result! We have a few days left at which point I’ll make a post about the final decision and perhaps some other small stuff :eyes: keep voting on the poll and giving your feedback!


Oh, custom color is for 1.11+, sorry. xD
But mixing the colors is still possible, the effect the potion would get mixed with would need to wear of instantly to only have the jump boost be there.
Pastel green can therefore be not possible, but turquoise can be made, would look like pastel green. xD
The item description would also need to be rewritten so the extra effect doesn’t appear:

1.13+ /give @s minecraft:potion{CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:"minecraft:jump_boost",Amplifier:1,Duration:200},{Id:"minecraft:speed",Duration:1}],HideFlags:32,display:{Name:'{"translate":"item.minecraft.splash_potion.effect.leaping","italic":false}',Lore:['{"translate":"effect.minecraft.jump_boost","color":"gray","italic":false,"extra":[" ",{"translate":"potion.potency.1"}]}']}} 1
1.12- /give @p minecraft:potion 1 0 {Potion:{idk how to change the potion effect here},HideFlags:32,display:{Name:"Splash Potion of Illusion: 100",Lore:["I really hope your language is set to English, else this will fail- boost 2"]}}

1.13+: gives @s a Splash Potion of Jump Boost 2 (0:10) with a color that is hopefully not green.
1.12-: gives @p a Splash Potion of Speech: 100 with no knowledge of how to use translate without JSON text object. (but is still possible with NBTexplorer and plugins)

Didn't want to waste me opening the translation file of 1.8.9

The code for the Name and Lore however should look like this: (1.13+ with 1.8.9 translation keys)

IDK why I can't add the code block into the details?
{display:{Name:'{"translate":"potion.prefix.grenade","italic":false,"extra":[" ",{"translate":"potion.jump.postfix"}]}',Lore:['{translate":"potion.jump","color":"gray","italic":false,"extra":[" ",{"translate":"potion.potency.1"}]}']}}
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Its not possible with how WoolWars works, has nothing to do with versions or commands. As I said before I’m looking into solutions but its tricky and won’t be in the near future.


I think one solution is to update Wool Wars to have its base version be at least 1.12 with a plugin that turns all PVP interactions into 1.8.

Seems like a little much just to change the color of a potion- I highly prefer just the 1.8 version, whether the PVP is 1.8 style or not. Still feel very different to me for some reason


The thing is, changing the way PvP works on the server side is really different, since there’s a lot more factors and changes that were made in 1.8-1.9 pvp then simply the cool down. If the server is to use old combat, then it should a 1.8 core.

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I disagree because post-1.8.9 has various bugs on WoolWars, and there are many things that would to change. This would also cause the majority of the WoolWars playerbase to leave because they prefer 1.8 and WoolWars would become much less popular.

I personally think the color for now is good, or, if possible, it should be the same as Bouncy I.