<!>Zerptic's Media Rank APP<!>

Channel link:

Number of subs:

Average number of views per vid:
500 plus

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
Well been doing youtube since 2015 (years)

Servers for which you have created content:
Lunar, pvpland, octane, triton, reside, hypixel, mmc

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
Ill give you more players (ill only be doing kit pvp and practice)


it’s asking how long have you made content on munchy or other serves, not how long you have been doing youtube for.

how will you get more players to join munchy?

I also find it hard to believe that you had already made content for munchy with looking at your videos and checking your stats on kitpvp, woolwars, etc. This also lacks detail,I would have to give this a +0 but anyway good luck!

edited for spelling.

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it says “(years)” for other servers plus ill be getting more people by making a video on the server lol

Hello there!

I really like your channel! But here are some things I personally found!

What else do you feel would make you a good candidate and why?

Also I agree with everything @Jonozappingcraft said!

Also, I don’t see much MunchyMC content, which is required!

  • You must have been creating content for Munchy or other servers for at least one month

I wish you the best! :+1:


I’m sorry but I’m going to have to give u a -1 for this one.

Reason 1:

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
Well been doing youtube since 2015 (years)

It asks how long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers, not content in general.

Reason 2:
I can’t seem to find any MunchyMC content on ur channel.

Good luck though!


it says “(years)” for other servers plus ill be getting more people by making a video on the server lol you guys arent reading my reply

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Yes but you’ll have to make some Munchy content before u can get accepted.


Hey Zerptic,

Your application is pretty good in my opinion, but I’d like to point out a few things.

You’ve stated here that you have created content for MunchyMC, (“mmc”) but at first glance on your channel, there was no visible Munchy content whatsoever. I even went as far as to search (Ctrl+F)
“MunchyMC” on your videos page, which revealed no results. This either means that you’ve never made Munchy content, or that you just have not credited the server.

You do seem to fit other criteria, so my final rating will be a +0.5.

Good luck!

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mmc is minemen club @AceCaptainRex

But about the overall application, I agree with the other points others have stated. Try and create some munchy content before applying.
Good luck!



One of the requirements is that you upload munchymc content i don’t see this on your channel? correct me if i am wrong

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so its required to have a video on munchy before applying?

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You need to have at least some content for munchy before applying lol… kinda obvious that’s a required thing


i got media on lunar without having to upload a video from there i had the requirements anyway “lol”

You should refer to this guide:


All servers are different, Munchy wants dedicated Media members. Having munchy content is required.

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ye i already saw it

Heya Zerptic!
Your application has been denied.

At the time you don’t meet most of the requirements for joining the media team. You need to upload Munchy content to your channel and you need to show activity in-game, once you feel you’ve met the requirements you may re-apply. If you have any questions feel free to message me on discord ( EeveeNoises#0014 )

Please wait 1 month before re-applying