THESE are some teaser picture of the map that could be added in WOOL WARS
if u have any suggestion plz comment I will make the changes if they fit the theme
the map is not complete if lots of detailing is left
THESE are some teaser picture of the map that could be added in WOOL WARS
if u have any suggestion plz comment I will make the changes if they fit the theme
the map is not complete if lots of detailing is left
IF your suggestions are good I might add them and if u r unable to explain u can also send a picture describing it
hello , no response yet ??
I think your overall map looks great!
I recommend replacing the purple stained glass at the center with a large version of the structures at the center of the map.
You should also include some mycelium as I think it fits the palette of the overall map.
Finally, I would add more to the walls. In my opinion, the wall looks sort of bland with a singular tone.
Overall, I think the map is great and these things, in my opinion, would make it even better!
Yes as the map is in progress there some detailing left to be done . thanks for the wall advice
I am not able to come up with a pattern for the wall if u guys have any idea plz comment fast because when I start the stage two it would be difficult to do some changes
thanks for the mycelium advice, I did not know that it is in 1.8.9
Gradient seems to be pretty common. You can do that with something like other shades of black and gray. If you go here, TimeDefender did a great job with the gradient walls! Maybe you could replicate this with a different palette.
Also, I’m always happy to help!
thanks for the help
but i do not want to copy the idea
You don’t have to copy it, but you can use it for inspiration! (Sorry I mis-worded my older statement)
no problem but i want the walls to be gray
by the way , is map looking good
Yes, it looks great so far!
it is looking great now but when it well be finished i promise it will look epic ( will try by best )
Map looks great and Vurm’s advice is perfect. Just one thing for when you’re taking screenshots:
You can press F1 to give yourself a full screen with no hotbar or hand or chat or anything. It’s good for pictures like the ones you took here.
Cool map!
yeah, I knew about this thing but I need to take screenshots fast so I can get advises as possible
by the way thanks for appreciating me
Nothing just wanted to to know that if a staff member, who is in charge of maps in woolwars has seen this or not ???
Doesn’t matter if one has as this map is not properly posted using the format and this post is obviously just asking for advice!
As for advice relating to the map, I like it! But as everybody else has said the walls are quite bland. I think that if you made them from coal to black wool to dark gray wool to light gray wool (coal starting on top) as a gradient style, it would look very ominous and spooky!
And then with that you can begin to add a lot of more details that fit the map very well.
As for the builds you have, looking good! I recommend you be sure to add more builds to the walls that aren’t just buildings, as it is my opinion that buildings can sometimes be quite annoying in a map if there are too many of them!
Overall, looking good!
Advice on how to act when you post your build for inspection to see if it becomes a map, don’t beg for comments and DONT be rude.
THANKS for the advice , will change the appearance of wall and add new things too such as a broken bridge and fountains and etc.